Election-Fraud Corruption Is Deeper than Anyone Can Imagine


    by Jack Gleason, American Thinker:

    Multiple polls conclude that upwards of 70 percent of Americans think our elections are filled with fraud.  But we’re learning it’s deeper and more organized than just a few thousand mules dropping fake ballots into election boxes.

    The corruption involves both political parties.  Big Tech manipulates search engine results, and takes down “dangerous” websites.  With Elon Musk’s revelations, we now see that our own FBI is working actively with Twitter to censor conservatives and silence dissenting speech.  It’s next to certain that Twitter wasn’t the only social media giant the FBI was giving orders to.  And the mainstream media are all in on ridiculing, dismissing, or attacking people willing to speak out.

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    Anyone who floats the idea that the Republican red wave disappeared because of poor GOP tactics, or inadequate candidates, is either stupid or part of this conspiracy.  In fact, it’s an excellent “RINO detector”!

    Any “conservative” news organization that is not focusing 100 percent on the corruption that has been unearthed in Maricopa County is complicit.

    The left and their RINO allies, along with who-knows-how-many other corporate and foreign actors, have set up the most complicated electoral fraud system in history.  Every step of the voting process — from who is allowed to vote, how they vote, how the votes are tallied, to how the results are reported — is compromised.  They are so far into their corruption that being exposed is not an option.  They will do literally anything to avoid being caught.

    A good place to start is with the voter rolls.

    They are so rife with inaccuracies, full of outdated and blatantly false information, that no election can be considered safe.  The data are completely unsecured and can be manipulated at will.  And most efforts to clean up the rolls are either ignored or done so slowly or incompletely as to be useless.

    One county in Arizona noted “42,000 changes to the election rolls within weeks of the election — most were illegal.  21,000 new voters added to the election rolls, within 29 days of the election — almost every one is illegal.  8,000 voters appear to live in a business — each one would be illegal.  1,951 people received ballots at one address, and then voted from a different address — every one is illegal.  The Republican candidate — with an 11-point lead in the polls — lost by around 21,000 votes to a woman who was afraid to debate her!”

    Absentee ballots are the currency of election fraud.

    When you can manipulate the voting rolls, you can easily create “floating ballots” in states where absentee ballots are mailed out to every voter.  Just change a digit in the ZIP code, and a corrupt postal worker can easily gather up those ballots when they return as undeliverable.  All you have to do is line up a buddy at the Post Office and send incorrectly addressed ballots to his ZIP code.

    Another method is to change or delete box numbers for apartment buildings or college campuses.  Again, when they come back as undeliverable, they can be snapped up to be saved up for Election Day.  If it looks as though your candidate is losing by 2,000 votes, just fill in 2,500, and voilà: victory!

    The addresses in the voter rolls need only be changed for a single day so the ballots can go to the wrong addresses, and the data are changed back.  “In a real-life example, this month, we found a county that changed 31,500 zip codes, yet the voter remained at the same address.”

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