Dripping In Irony, Pretend President Biden Invites Pretend Female Drag Queens To White House To Celebrate Signing Of ‘Respect For Marriage Act’


    by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

    The White House invited drag queens to a Tuesday celebration of the signing of same-sex Respect For Marriage Act legislation that recently passed Congress with Republican support.

    Irony abounds in the Bible White House today, as the ‘Respect for Marriage Act‘ is going to be signed into law, and thank you to the 39 Republicans who made that possible. It’s ironic because our pretend president has invited men who pretend to be women, to come and celebrate the disrespectful ‘marriage act’ which is nothing more than creating Sodom and Gomorrah in Washington DC. One of the drag queens that Biden invited, Brita Filter, is the same one who danced down the aisle of Grace Church in New York last August. So it’s ‘respect’ for marriage we’re talking about here? Go kid your grandma.

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    “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections…” Romans 1:26 (KJB)

    You are witness to the last days of a once-powerful and great society that established the King James Bible as its foundation in the years of it formation, but in 2022 it’s America the beautiful no more. Drag Queens, pedophile story hours, and all the rest of that filth are perversion, and no society that enshrines those things can or will stand. So when Biden signs this monstrosity into law, and celebrates it by watching Drag Queens gyrating in front of children, just remember that as you cheer how ‘open and diverse’ we are now as a nation, you are applauding your own destruction.

    “The king shall mourn, and the prince shall be clothed with desolation, and the hands of the people of the land shall be troubled: I will do unto them after their way, and according to their deserts will I judge them; and they shall know that I am the LORD.” Ezekiel 7:27 (KJB)

    White House Invites Drag Queens to Same-Sex Marriage Bill-Signing Celebration

    FROM NATIONAL REVIEW: Marti Cummings, who claims to be a New York City–based “drag artist” as well as a television personality, political figure, and former city-council candidate, shared his gratitude to President Biden for asking him to attend the ceremony.

    “To be a non binary drag artist invited to the White House is something I never imagined would happen. Thank you President & Dr. Biden for inviting me to this historic bill signing. Grateful doesn’t begin to express the emotions I feel,” Cummings tweeted Monday.

    He posted a picture of the invitation to the Tuesday event commemorating the implementation of the Respect for Marriage Act, which would enshrine same-sex marriage protections.

    Most Republicans objected that the bill did not include sufficient safeguards for religious institutions and individuals and argued that it would give the government sweeping authority to regulate domestic relations. However, multiple Republicans, including Senators Susan Collins, Rob Portman, and Thom Tillis, in addition to 39 House members, reached across the aisle to vote for the measure.

    Read More @ NowTheEndBegins.com