By far, THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN THE WORLD today is………………..


    from State Of The Nation:

    But why?

    Because truly conservative Christian men and woman in America are authentic Patriots.

    And most Patriots are well-trained GUN OWNERS.

    Patriots are fiercely ANTI-GLOBALISM.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Patriots are PRO LIFE and ardently against fetal murder.

    Patriots are well aware of the transparent CLIMATE CHANGE FRAUD.

    Patriots loathe the LGBTQIA AGENDA.

    Patriots despise CULTURAL MARXISM even more.

    Patriots especially detest the SEXUALIZATION of their children.

    Patriots abhor the harmful CHILDHOOD VACCINATION SCHEDULES.

    Patriots dutifully HOMESCHOOL their children.

    Patriots completely reject society-wrecking CRITICAL RACE THEORY.

    Patriots recognize how perilous UNIVERSITY & COLLEGE EDUCATION have become.

    Patriots are quite informed about the highly organized plot to socially engineer America’s school children into camps like the HITLER YOUTH & COMMUNIST YOUTH LEAGUE.

    Patriots even grasp the true depth and breadth of government- and corporate-directed Tavistock-level MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING going on 24/7.

    Patriots perceive the MAINSTREAM MEDIA as organs of propaganda and prevarication producing nothing but fake news all day every day.

    Patriots see right through the IDENTITY POLITICS of the phony virtue-signaling social justice warriors.

    Patriots firmly believe ALL LIVES MATTER.

    Patriots know BLACK LIVES MATTER & ANTIFA are Soros-funded, Democrat-directed domestic terrorist organizations.

    Patriots stand for LAW & ORDER.

    Patriots stand against DEFUND THE POLICE.

    Patriots know that POTUS IMPOSTER JOE BIDEN outright stole the 2022 election (and that he will do it again in 2024 if he runs).

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