As Volcanoes Awaken And The Earth Shakes, ‘Experts’ Claim The Planet Is More Than 500,000 Years Overdue For The Next Pole Reversal, Which NASA Says ‘Happen All The Time’


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    – When The Earth’s Magnetic Field Flips, Catastrophic Earth Changes Happen

    The story titles alone over the past few days that Steve Quayle had linked to on his website show us a much bigger picture when looked at together than looked at individually, a story of our planet Earth going through changes, changes that date back to the ‘beginning of time,’ and changes that will continue long after we are gone, though interestingly, these latest ‘Earth changes‘ are happening nearly exactly 10 years after the long-forecast, and alleged ‘Mayan Calendar end date,‘ of December 21st of 2012.

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    With today being December 21st of 2022, exactly 10 years after the ‘experts‘ who’d been studying that ancient artifact that was rumored to herald an incoming Apocalypse had predicted, an Apocalypse that would allegedly be brought on by tremendous Earth changes and a ‘polar shift,‘ weakening our planet’s magnetosphere, while that might sound like a crazy conspiracy theory to many, remember that as recently as January 30th of 2018, Newsweek put out this story titled “Earth’s Magnetic Poles Show Signs They’re About to Flip—Exposing Humans to Radiation and Planet-Wide Blackouts.”

    Warning as the introductory paragraph of that story: Historically, Earth’s North and South magnetic poles have flipped every 200,000 or 300,000 years—except right now, they haven’t flipped successfully for about 780,000 years. But the planet’s magnetic field is at long last showing signs of shifting. Although there’s no way to know yet for sure, it could be gearing up to flip once moreaccording to Undark Magazine. And that possibility is raising new speculation about what that means for planetary life; we’ve got to take another look back at the Mayan calendar and the possibility of a pole shift happening in our futures considering the stories coming out now with titles such as these.:

    Mysterious shock wave CRACKS Earth’s magnetosphere that protects our planet from dangerous space radiation

    Massive 6.4 earthquake rocks California, leaving tens of thousands without power: Epicentre is seven miles south-west of Ferndale and comes days after 3.6 quake shook San Francisco

    San Francisco’s Doomsday warning: What will happen WHEN a quake with a force of hundreds of atomic bombs hits the Bay Area – as US Geological Survey says there’s a 51% chance of it occurring within three decades

    With another story Steve Quayle had linked to on his website Tuesday a reminder story from the Daily Mail from back on May 21st of 2020 titled “Earth’s magnetic field is WEAKENING between Africa and South America, causing satellites and spacecraft to malfunction,” that story echoed the 2018 Newsweek story. From that 2020 Daily Mail story.:

    Scientists have made a shocking discovery – the Earth’s magnetic field is weakening

    The magnetic field is vital for life on our planet, as it shields us from cosmic radiation and charged particles emitted from the sun. 

    A large region of reduced magnetic intensity has been observed between Africa and South America, called the South Atlantic Anomaly, and it has formed a center of minimum intensity in just five years. 

    Researchers are speculating that the weakening is a sign that Earth is heading to a pole reversal, which is when the north and south poles switch places – and the last time this occurred was 780,000 years ago. 

    The anomaly is wreaking havoc on satellites and other spacecraft flying through the area, as many are experiencing technical malfunctions.

    So while we definitely won’t be holding our breaths waiting for that long overdue polar shift to happen, as the chance of it happening in our lifetimes is incredibly tiny considering the length of the average human lifespan compared to how often the poles shift, and we definitely have ‘bigger fish to fry’ here in America in 2022, all of those ‘fish‘ go to the back-burner should a polar shift come to pass.

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