As ‘Twitter Files’ Show Conclusive Proof That FBI Censored Free Speech Of American Citizens, Democrats Release Trump’s Tax Returns


    by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

    The FBI repeatedly grilled Twitter execs about censorship on the social media platform in the summer of 2020 — insisting that the company provide more information about removing ‘state propaganda’ from the site, according to the latest Twitter Files release.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    The United States government invented the term ‘conspiracy theory’ in the aftermath of the execution of President John F. Kennedy by our government after they released the completely fraudulent ‘Warren Report’ to cover their tracks. But the conspiracy theorists were right, Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill John Kennedy, proof of that being the shocking execution of Oswald in the police station by Jack Ruby. So the FBI and the CIA labeled anyone who refused to believe their cock-and-bull story a ‘conspiracy theorist’. Now that the FBI has been caught red-handed censoring free speech as recently revealed in the stunning ‘Twitter Files’, they are saying that anyone who believes their lying eyes is a conspiracy theorist. This is why the Democrats released Donald Trump’s tax returns yesterday, in the hopes it’ll stop you from focusing on the FBI.

    “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalms 9:17 (KJB)

    From our founding, NTEB has never shied away from a good, solid conspiracy theory as the majority of them are telling you the truth. What you find when you investigate a matter for yourself usually runs counter to the government version, like what actually happened on 9/11. When you understand that the main stream media is not in the business of telling you the truth but feeding you an agenda, things clear up pretty quick from that point on. If Donald Trump lied on his taxes, then that affects Donald Trump. But if the FBI conspired with Twitter to shut down the voices of constitutionally-protected free speech practicing Americans, then that problem affects 355 million people. If the media reported the truth, which story do you think would be in the headlines right now?

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