Will US Imperialism Intentionally Create Another World War?


    by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

    • For more than a century, the United States has meddled in the affairs of other countries against the wishes of the very populations we claim to have “rescued”
    • Between 1946 and 2000, the U.S. interfered in more than 80 foreign elections. Repeatedly, the U.S. has orchestrated coups to remove democratically elected leaders — all in the name of “defending democracy”
    • Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Congo, Iraq and Honduras are just a few examples of countries that have been victims of American imperialism

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    • America’s meddling in foreign elections has long been rationalized as being done “for a good cause,” but can a nation that claims to value democratic processes undermine those very processes in other countries and call it defense of democracy?
    • The U.S. is still flexing its imperialist muscles, this time by seeking to escalate the conflict between Russia and Ukraine into another world war and, potentially, a nuclear exchange

    Over the past several months, the U.S. has poured billions of tax dollars into Ukraine, ostensibly to help Ukraine fight for freedom and preserve democracy. This despite the fact that Ukraine has long been deemed one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and the fact that no one knows where all this money is actually going. In short, the whole operation appears to be a cover for money laundering.

    But America’s meddling in the Ukraine conflict also reveals that it is not willing to relinquish its imperialistic tendencies. As noted by “Bad Faith” podcast host Briahna Joy Gray in the video above, the Biden administration has repeatedly stated that our mission is to weaken Russia, which is NOT the same as helping Ukraine.

    Curiously, the political left, which has historically been anti-war, is now wholly in favor of it. In her segment, Gray discusses the surprising attacks by liberals against those calling for diplomacy. Gray, a Democrat, is dissatisfied with the left’s arguments for why the United States should get involved in the Ukraine conflict.

    One argument brought forth is that 500 Ukrainian children were shipped to Russia — a humanitarian crime that cannot go unpunished. But there are children at grave risk all over the world.

    Until or unless someone can coherently articulate why Ukrainian children are more important than children in any other region, Gray suspects this is just another flimsy excuse to hide the fact that our involvement in Ukraine is nothing more than another military operation to further American imperialism.

    The Rise of American Imperialism

    While the United States has been a beacon of hope and freedom since its inception, over time, a shadier, more nefarious side has also blossomed along the way.

    As explained in the “Democracy Now!” video below, titled “Overthrow: 100 Years of U.S. Meddling and Regime Change,” the United States has a long history of meddling in the affairs of other countries — against the wishes of the very populations we claim to have “rescued.”

    As noted in that video, “By one count, the United States has interfered in more than 80 foreign elections between 1946 and 2000. And that doesn’t count U.S.-backed coups and invasions.”

    Americas meddling in foreign elections has long been rationalized as being done “for a good cause,” but does that really hold true? How can a nation that claims to value democratic processes undermine those very processes in other countries and call it defense of democracy?

    America Only Pays Lip Service to Democracy

    Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Congo, Iraq and Honduras are just a few examples of countries that have been victims of American imperialism. Repeatedly, the U.S. has orchestrated coups to remove democratically elected leaders — all in the name of “defending democracy.”

    In the video, “Democracy Now!” interviews former New York Times reporter Stephen Kinzer, author of several books, including “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change From Hawaii to Iraq” and “The True Flag.”

    Kinzer starts out by describing the circumstances surrounding the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953. Mossadegh, Kinzer says, wanted to put the interests of Iran and its people ahead of the interests of the United States, and that is what led to his removal.

    Importantly, with the successful overthrow of Mossadegh, the U.S. not only got rid of this one democratically elected leader. It permanently destroyed the democratic process in Iran. As noted by Kinzer:

    “It was not just an attack on one person but an attack on democracy, and the reason why we attacked that democracy is because democracy produced the wrong person. We like elections and democratic processes, but they have to produce the candidates we like. Otherwise our approval disappears.”

    Importantly, Kinzer points out that America’s “influence operations” in other countries, over time, not only ends up destroying the target country, but it also ends up harming the national security of the United States itself. So, American imperialism has had an incredibly negative effect, overall, worldwide — not the least of which is the rise of dictatorships across the world.

    The Rise and Fall of the American Anti-Imperialist League

    In Kinzer’s book “The True Flag,” he describes the history of how the U.S. came to embrace imperialism, despite its contrarianism to American values. In 1898, the Anti-Imperialist League1 was founded and became a major force in American politics. It lobbied hard against American imperialism and foreign intervention.

    Its main argument was that imperialism violated the fundamental principles inherent in a just republican government, and as such necessitated the abandonment of the ideals that the U.S. was founded upon. Unfortunately, majority public opinion eventually sided with the imperialists and the Anti-Imperialist League dissolved in 1920.

    Mind Control and Untraceable Assassination Drugs

    The video above again features Kinzer, this time lecturing about his book “Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control,” which describes another little-known and darker-than-usual part of U.S. history.

    Gottlieb has been described as a “visionary chemist” who worked for the CIA — a “master magician and gentlehearted torturer, the agency’s ‘poisoner in chief.’” Gottlieb ran the CIA’s now-infamous MK-ULTRA mind control project, which included “brutal experiments at secret prisons on three continents.” The key home-base, however, was Fort Detrick.

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