Tip of the Spear: What Our Lack of Military Readiness Portends


    by Allan J. Feifer, American Thinker:

    Our military should be more important to progressives than it is to conservatives.

    Why? Our military is their primary guarantee they can rail against America without fear of retribution. We have enemies (think: China) that want us defanged so that American leadership around the world becomes nothing more than a footnote in history. An America without a strong military to guarantee our place in the world and, at the same time, the rights of snowflakes. It is they who would become the first to be stood up against the wall and shot without the protections our military confers.

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    Thank a soldier every time you meet one, as I do.

    We’ve become quite illiterate in recent years.

    Since we stopped teaching civics, real American history, and respect for God, country, and family.

    Many progressives have developed a snowflake mentality that believes it’s not the world that is a threat to them, but America itself.  This educational failure has given rise to many inexplicable thought processes that range from tearing historic statues down to the number of people who think capitalism kills more people than communism. A recent Annenberg Civics Knowledge Survey found that less than half of U.S. adults can name the three branches of government.

    The following facts are important to understand:

    There are about 2.4 million active and reserve members of the U.S. armed forces. Add about another 450,000 in various national guards, and total, we have about 2,850,000 uniformed members of the military. Our land warfare forces are numerically not up to the task of taking and holding a lot of real estate any longer.  Our Army is committed to an entirely different Order of Battle than it was 40 years ago, due to the technical nature of how we fight conflicts today.

    From reader Amit M, came the following information:

    “As an example, in an armored battalion of 35 tanks and a support mobile company, the number of fighters is about 150, while the total body count is around 400-500. The ‘extras’ are not redundant in any sense. They include logistics, communications, liaison, medics, field maintenance, ammunition, and sundry stuff.  So, when you look at the net ratio between actual fighting soldiers and the rest of the army, it spikes between 7:1 to 12:1.

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