A “November Shock & Awe” is the Democrats only solution to the explosive PELOSIgate scandal


    from State Of The Nation:

    A “November Shock & Awe” is the Democrats only solution to the explosive PELOSIgate scandal

    “The Democrats are being ‘forced’ to distract from the mushrooming fallout of the exploding PELOSIgate SUPERNOVA.”— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer

    Evidence Shows David DePape Could Never Fit Through the Hole in Broken Window in the Rear of Pelosi Home

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    By Joe Hoft

    New evidence shows that there is no way that David DePape could have broken into the Pelosi house through the door in the back.

    David DePape was identified by the police at the Pelosi home on early Friday morning at around 2:30 am.  The police claim that he broke into the house.

    We reported yesterday on the impossibility of someone breaking into the Pelosi house and going unnoticed.

    We were able to confirm that there are CCTV cameras all over the Pelosi house.  The US Speaker of the House would of course have a well-protected home.  There also is a security detail at the Pelosi house reportedly around the clock.

    More Information–

    From the photos the opened doors in the crime scene are on the left. The broken door in the middle was not open. We are looking at a manufactured crime scene.

    It was an active crime scene. We are looking at the actice crime scene. The glass is still on the bricks. The only open doors are on the left. Who opened those doors? The middle door was shut. So who opened the side doors on the left? It looks like the crime scene was tampered with. The break-in was subsequent to the entry.

    Then the entry was consensual. The broken glass doors were not the entry point into the house. This is evident from the photos on Friday morning.

    Why was Paul Pelosi not in the panic room or safe room if the alarms went off? If there was a breakin then why would Paul Pelosi go downstairs, greet the man, and bring him up to the bedroom?

    The story does not add up.

    Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co