by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter:
I found a Stanford course used to train doctors worldwide on how to overcome vaccine hesitancy. Basically, they tell doctors to give false information. They truly believe the false narrative.
Here’s the link for the Stanford course that teaches doctors how to overcome vaccine hesitancy:

It’s a series of short YouTube videos. It’s free to watch all the videos.
Here is the outline of the cases covered:

I viewed a number of the lessons to save you the pain and agony.
Some takeaways:
- They don’t expect to turn people around to support the vaccine in a single session. They admit it can take many sessions.
- They clearly think that people who don’t take the vaccine are simply misinformed and need to be set on the right track.
- They recommend giving people false information (like saying the risk of myocarditis is higher for the virus than the vaccine) in order to deal with their objections. Of course, they don’t admit in the course that their advice is false.
- At no time should the doctor try to learn anything from the patient (like that the doctor is wrong). It’s all about getting the patient to conform to the narrative, not to discover truth. None of the interventions are designed to examine the data or find the truth or allow the patient to change the doctor’s mind. You are never supposed to do anything like look at the data!
- I really think they should do their therapy session on me as one of their case studies. If they can show people how they set me on the “correct path,” that would be astonishing. It would be so entertaining to watch them try to do that. People would pay money to see that. I can’t figure out where I can volunteer to do that.
- One of the references is to a paper on why people resisted making the HPV vaccine mandatory. I can tell you why people resisted the HPV vaccine… that vaccine is the second most dangerous vaccine in VAERS, that’s why. Only the COVID vaccines are more dangerous. It has 3 times the number of adverse events that all other vaccines combined at the time it was introduced. That’s why!
If you want insight into how “they” think about “us,” this is a good reference.
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