New Poll Shows 44 Percent of U.S. Voters Believe Federal Government is Run by a Secret Cabal


    by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

    A recent poll conducted by the Benonson Strategy Group shows that 44 percent of American voters think that the federal government is operated by a secret cabal lurking behind the scenes.

    The poll shows that 53 percent of Republicans believe this while 41 percent of independents and 37 percent of Democrats believe that a secret cabal is in charge of the feds. This poll surveyed 1,000 registered voters from Oct. 27-30 and was conducted online.

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    The results, courtesy of Axios Visuals, can be seen here:

    It is getting harder for people to deny the truth about who is control of the federal government, especially considering that a mush-brained vegetable is in the White House.

    Big League Politics has reported on how the cabal in charge uses the federal government to protect elite pedophiles and shield their enablers from justice:

    Independent journalist Techno Fog is filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to find out the extent of the relationship between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

    Epstein was protected from consequences and shielded from justice for years even after he was convicted of pedophilia in 2008 because of the federal government. Techno Fog believes this is because Epstein could have been an informant for the FBI.

    Techno Fog has already discovered that Epstein “provided information to the FBI as agreed upon” according to a 2008 document that was released to the public several years ago:

    Techno Fog believes there is much more to the story than what is being told, and they hope to use FOIA discoveries as a way to figure out the relationship between Epstein and the FBI.

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