Kari Lake Opponent Connected to Transing Children


    from Moonbattery:

    The liberal establishment had better make sure this stays suppressed until after the election, or its nemesis Kari Lake will win in a blowout. Her opponent Katie Hobbs is worse than an inarticulate coward who refused to debate her. Hobbs is complicit in the most appalling crime against nature imaginable — the transsexualization of children:

    Hobbs’ husband is a child psychiatrist who was named in an explosive lawsuit brought against the state by the parents of a 10-year-old transgender child in 2020…

    Patrick Goodman is a psychiatrist on staff at Phoenix Children’s Hospital…

    Josef Mengele committed his horrors in the suitable environment of a Nazi death camp. Under Democrat dominance, still more morally grotesque crimes are committed in children’s hospitals.

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    Goodman is also listed on an undated document as a provider in the hospital’s “gender support program” serving “gender diverse” and transgender youth.

    What exactly Goodman does to “transgender youth” is unclear, because the hospital has not been forthcoming. His likely role is to brainwash children into believing they are members of the opposite sex, in preparation for them to be permanently deformed chemically and/or surgically for reasons of profit and leftist ideology.

    Hobbs has publicly supported sex change surgeries for minors. In March, she condemned [current governor Doug] Ducey for signing legislation banning sex change surgeries for minors and blocking biological males from competing in female sports’ leagues.

    Supporting sex change surgery for children disqualifies Hobbs not only for public office, but for the company of decent people. Nudging children into sexual dysphoria and then permanently disfiguring them is monstrous.

    In other Kari Lake news, watch how adroitly she responds to the only argument Democrats have, namely January 6:

    The media lied that Brian Sicknick was killed by right-wing rioters. He died of natural causes. The only person killed on January 6 was unarmed protester Ashli Babbitt, who was shot in cold blood by unpunished, self-praising Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd.

    Read More @ Moonbattery.com