Joe Biden Was Given an Embarrassing List of Commands at G20 Conference


    by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

    “President” Joe Biden was given a list of commands at the G20 conference on Wednesday.

    A zoom in on the list shows that it is actually a set of instructions for what to do at the conference.

    “Biden accidentally CAUGHT again taking list of commands from his handlers like a puppy,” remarked Benny Johnson on Twitter.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    • YOU… will take a photo”
    • “YOU will sit”
    • “YOU will deliver opening remarks”

    The bulletpoint instructions for the Opening Remarks for Global Partnership for Infrastructure and Investment G20 Side Event appear to have more details:

    • YOU President Widodo [of Indonesia] and Prime Minister Kishida [of Japan] will take a photo directly before the event starts
    • YOU will sit at the center, front tables alongside President Widodo and [President of the European Commission] President von der Leyen
    • Photos will be taken of the leaders seated around the table
    • President Widodo delivers remarks (5 minutes) and introduces YOU
    • YOU will deliver opening remarks (5 minutes), then introduce President von der Leyen

    While at the G-20 conference, Biden appeared to have trouble walking up a flight of stairs:

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