In Arizona the Election Was Slowly Stolen Day by Day


    by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

    Many Americans are easily intimidated and let the presstitutes control their beliefs.  But Trump supporters are not easily intimidated.  This is why Democrats hate them and demonize them as “Trump Deplorables,” “white supremacists,” and “domestic terrorists.”  Democrats are determined to stamp into the ground those Americans whose belief they cannot control..

    In this interview with Rep. Marjorie Greene, Alex Jones shows news clip after news clip of the presstitutes declaring, as if it were a fact, that it is normal for elections to take days to count the votes.  This is a blatant lie.  All my life, until recent  Democrat “reforms” and Diebold electronic machines that can be programmed to count votes differently from how they are cast, the election vote was known by the time you went to bed and if not by then by the next morning.  

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    The reason Democrats take days to count votes is that they are constantly estimating how many fraudulent votes they need to offset the Republican candidate’s lead,  The Democrats know that they cannot have a landslide win, so they have to run the fraudulent votes in in tranches.  When the Republican vote is too large to overcome this way, they have to lose some of the votes as they did in Arizona by mixing uncounted votes with counted votes.  

    The useless Rino Republicans are in lockstep with the media in denying the stolen election, instead blaming the totally unexpected results on Trump, and explaining the Democrats’ unexpected success as the public’s rejection of Trump.  

    There is talk that some of the Rino Republicans are considering letting the Democrats choose a “bi-partisan” Speaker of the House.  This, of course, would prevent the Republican majority from having subpoena power to investigate the many crimes associated with the Biden regime and the stolen election.

    The Republicans are likely to be ineffectual simply because such a large chunk of them are members of the Washington Establishment and go along to get along. They enjoy being there and are unlikely to put themselves at risk by fighting for truth, the public, or the country.  By delivering no results that aroused Trump Americans desire, the Rino Republicans are destroying the Republican Party. 

    In Arizona the Democrats fixed it so that the voting machines did not work in Republican precincts.  If a Republican got to vote at all, it was after a 7 hour wait.  The Democrats whine about the disenfranchisement of blacks and immigrant-invaders, but themselves disenfranchise Republicans.  In Maricopa County, Arizona, where 60% of the Arizona population reside the control of Elections and vote counting is in the hands of Democrats.

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