from Silver Doctors:
This Christmas does not feature The Everything Shortage of last year…
(by Half Dollar) The dollar has topped and is falling!
Ho, ho, ho.
The Fed has room to pivot or at least “hike” slower!
Ho, ho, ho.
The ______ (insert favorite Brainwashed Masses or Walmart Zombie theory here)!
Ho, ho, ugh.
All of the Analysts, Gurus, Technicians, and Worse each have their own cute little theory as to why gold & silver prices have moved up recently.
And since Everybody’s Favorite Communist Utopia has reportedly been cracking its Benevolent Whip on the people pretty much all year long and especially of late with that dang Zero-Zombie Apocalypse Policy, the “gold seasonality” folks are going to have a rough run of it, so I suppose we’ve gotta show those Number-Believin’ Bean Counters a little love by teaching those Pesky Spec Shorts a lesson!
Now, actually, the recent moving of gold & silver prices higher quite possibly comes down to something very simple: They want you to get less gold & silver this Christmas, dollar-for-dollar, and if not for the purposes of systemic physical gold & silver preservation with the end goal of maintaining the illusion of “markets”, then for spite.
Let’s think about that a little bit more for a moment.
Recall that last Christmas, in the US, in general, from October on, for all types of Christmas gifts, really, there was a sense of, “just get it now before you can’t buy it at all”.
Wanna gift the latest and greatest Xbox or PlayStation 5?
Good luck with that, and pay-up while you’re at it.
Giving some Nike shoes, cool winter jackets and trendy Fashion Du-Jour?
Have fun chasing.
But this year?
Well now, there are plenty of electronics in general and video game consoles specifically, and there is a never-ending re-stock pipeline of shoes and apparel, so go ahead and get another pair of Jordan’s.
In other words, there are plenty of presents to choose from all around, and there are plenty of store sales with loss leaders to go along with all of that loot.
Personally, last Christmas, along with the traditional Christmas Loot, I purchased a little gold and some platinum for gifts, and furthermore, as a side note, as recently as this Summer, I backed-up the truck for silver in the teens.
But this Christmas?
This Christmas, between the recent “price” rise and the free market’s real-world, in-hand premiums which will not have time to come back down to Earth before Jolly Saint Nick makes the rounds, one thing is certain: If I purchase gold & silver this Christmas, I’m going to get less of it than I would have just a couple of weeks ago:

See how that works?
It’s Grinch-tastic!
So the question becomes, if they will be moving gold & silver prices back down, then how long before that happens?
Sure, the question was rhetorical, but in my opinion, the answer is “not long”.
Perhaps prices will remain high until the so-called Black Friday “sales” are over yet before the month closes out?
Or perhaps prices will remain high until it becomes too late to “get it in time for Christmas” yet before the term “tax loss selling” becomes over-used?
I don’t know.