Here’s how JFK totally tricked the Khazarian Mafia and why they really killed him.


    from State Of The Nation:

    John F. Kennedy:
    The “Scarlet Pimpernel”
    of the 20th Century

    When Alleged Affairs With Women Were Actually Affairs Of State

    State of the Nation

    Scarlet Pimpernel Defined: “Sir Percy Blakeney, baronet and knight, is the main character of Baroness Orczy’s famous novel, The Scarlet Pimpernel. Normally, he is considered to be the most foppish man in London, but also the wealthiest. Best friend to the Prince of Wales, Percy is often the talk of London society for his comical bantering and amazing clothes. However, unknown to nearly everyone, Percy is also the elusive Scarlet Pimpernel, a hero who rescues French Aristocrats from death in Revolutionary France. With a band of 19 young men to aid him, he uses his histrionic skill to trick the agents of the French Republic time and time again!”

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Difficult though it may be to apprehend or believe, the real story (posted below) behind the MSM-dictated narrative that humanity has been fed for nearly 60 years regarding President John F. Kennedy (JFK) is quite true and authoritatively verified.

    This very delicate matter concerns just one facet of the true history underpinning the life and continuing saga of “Jack Kennedy”.  The focus of this exposé is the annual and very deliberate placement of articles and videos throughout the mainstream media (MSM), which are purposefully designed to undermine the JFK’s legacy.  The Khazarian Mafia has methodically done this via ‘selected sordid stories’ about Kennedy’s personal life during his presidency.

    However, what could not be revealed then, for quite obvious reasons, is now being disclosed and made public for all to hear.  Bear in mind that what you are about to read also constitutes a big piece of what is well-known as the “Kennedy curse”.  For many Kennedy family members are well aware of JFK’s counter psyop but they are all strictly forbidden from speaking about this raw truth on pain of death.  Hence, each Kennedy has been forced to remain silent in the face of many a slanderous allegation and libelous accusation.

    The Ongoing CIA-Directed Smear Campaign Conducted by the MSM

    In American society, it’s quite well known that the most effective way to bring down a politician, a corporate tycoon, a famous athlete or movie star, etc. is to smear them with alleged sex crimes or lurid sexual accusations or both.  John F. Kennedy has been such a victim for over almost 60 years, although he knew — exactly — why this must be the case. It was, in point of fact, the only way that he could could carry out some of his most important work as POTUS.

    What is being clarified here is the little matter as to why JFK has been subjected to 60 years of constant character assassination by way of alleged sexual indiscretions and assorted affairs. Clearly, the many women with whom he liaised had much more in their portfolios than physical beauty and sexual allure, designer clothes and French perfumes.

    Upon closer examination of their backgrounds, including Marilyn Monroe’s, one will find all sorts of interesting skill sets, knowledge bases, professional experiences, secret affiliations, etc.  That because JFK’s affairs were, in reality, affairs of state, and some of them especially concerned the very survival of the American Republic.

    Marilyn Monroe’s relationship with both JFK and RFK were the subject of much rumor and speculation.  The true nature of these relationships, especially her interaction as “Masha” with the KGB, proved to be of great help to the Kennedys, particularly in opening up critical channels of information with the Soviet Union prior to and during the resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Marilyn Monroe was assassinated on August 5 by the C.I.A. over 2 months before the worst phase of the crisis occurred in October of 1962.[1]

    JFK knew that he was the most closely monitored president is US history up to that point in time. He was not unaware of the massive and sophisticated spying capabilities of the CIA, NSA, FBI, and DIA (which was inaugurated during his presidency). Clueless about the USA’s national security and spying apparatus, JFK was not!

    JFK’s father, Joseph P. Kennedy, served as the U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain and was well schooled in the ways of Anglo-American espionage, state of the art surveillance and the use of “honey pots”.  Therefore, JFK thoroughly understood that his EVERY move was being watched — 24/7 — throughout every single hour of his presidency.

    Being the most watched person in America, does anyone really think he would even attempt to “stray from the Catholic reservation” for the purpose of having whimsical sexual liaisons?

    What is being revealed here is that all of the woman with whom JFK actually met with presented his only opportunities to break out of the cage that his White House controllers had put him in. With these ‘liaisons’ he was able to receive and give vital and/or classified and/or top secret information which could not be disseminated in any other way. Given this manner of stealthy operation, TPTB (read: Khazarian Mafia) knew that JFK could not be controlled and, therefore, he had to go.

    But why is the smearing of Kennedy’s reputation still so relentless?  Most of us know that the victors have the privilege of always writing, or rather re-writing, history in order to promote and further their nefarious agenda(s).  In this regard, there was no better way for JFK’s enemies to profoundly undermine his true legacy.  Since he is no longer here to defend himself, really, anything goes as we all see the fabricated stories getting wilder and more farfetched with each passing year about his so-called presidential trysts.

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