First Priority for a Free America, Make the Deep State Obsolete


    by Dr. Steve LaTulippe , AmericaOutloud:

    Now that we’re beyond a marginally favorable midterm election, we have more work to do than ever. God has shed His grace on us by giving us a second chance to win back our freedom. But freedom is a gift that costs us something — duty to God and country.

    Every precious possession gains value that is proportional to the effort we put into it. Therefore we ought to give it our all in preserving our liberty and our nation.

    The path forward demands that we reign in the evil that has imprisoned us, and that necessitates taking on and fully dissolving the Deep State powers that cast their long shadow on our fractured Union. This must now be our first priority. As we remain faithful to this righteous cause, God will again bless us with peace and prosperity.

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