Exposing the Big Lie Against Dumb Energy – It’s a Global Scam!


    by Dr. Jay Lehr, America Outloud:

    The big lie is that wind and solar are competitive with other sources of electricity. The reality is that wind and solar are subsidized by seventy percent. The scam is clever. Taxpayers and consumers of electricity are swindled with the cover story that they are saving the Earth. Wind and solar electricity are renewable energy. How nice to pluck energy out of the air and the sky. Its a global scam. Big-money corporations and uneducated dreamers, often called environmentalists, cooperate to keep the scam going.

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    Too often, simple reasoning will not get a job done. You can wear yourself out explaining some very logical arguments. Too many folks already know everything they want to know. The point of this essay is to wake people up to the truth and the global scam being propagated against good people. I encourage you to read this 136-page book that will set the record straight once and for all. The book is by Norman Rogers and is entitled: Dumb Energy: A Critique of Wind and Solar Energy.

    Apparently, it has not dawned on the supporters of the scam that solar does not work at night, and wind only works when the wind is blowing. The core characteristic of wind and solar is that these are erratic sources of electricity. The supply is randomly intermittent. Who thinks this dumb energy is a good way to supply electricity?

    Sometimes batteries to store electricity are touted as a corrective to the intermittent nature of wind and solar. Batteries cant solve the problem because the cost of batteries is orders of magnitude too high. Batteries are being added to some solar installations for a different reason – to bridge electricity into the early evening. If it is cloudy for a day, the batteries wont be charged, and fossil fuel plants must be relied on. Even the sunniest desert cities have 50 cloudy days a year.

    Risks to the Electric Grid

    The wind and solar promoters demand that the grid be reengineered to become a smart” grid. The idea is that if the grid is smart enough, that will compensate for the dumb wind and solar energy. Thats actually what they have in mind. The point of the smart grid is to make the grid more agile, the better to follow the ups and downs of wind and solar.

    Wind and solar are unreliable, dangerous to the electrical grid, and, without subsidies, far more expensive than conventional sources of electricity. The environmental benefits are non-existent, and the economics only make sense if you think that healthy industries are industries on government welfare.

    The numbers are clear, the engineering is clear, and the science is clear. Why is this scam succeeding? Many writers have made the same points Mr. Rogers makes in this book. Yet, government-subsidized wind and solar installations are still being built. 

    The national obsession with renewable energy distracts from the real problems of the electric grid. The grid is vulnerable to a long-term collapse from sabotage, or even from a natural magnetic storm originating in the sun. Public money should not be spent on a wind and solar environmental fantasy. Watch the new film out on the electrical grid and judge for yourself; America’s Electrical Grid Vulnerability is Very Real.

    The Effect of Human Passion

    The renewable energy scam survives because some people are making money and because some people have made renewable energy into a religion. The ideologues provide respectability for the profiteers.

    Extracting energy from wind and sunlight is a seductive theory. But, the theory is impractical. The installations are too expensive. The power produced is erratic, changing with the comings and goings of the wind and sun. 

    The renewable energy industry is financed by government subsidies and sweetheart deals that are hidden from consumers. Ridiculously impracticable renewable energy finds broad support in circles populated by thinkers accustomed to mobilizing the power of the state to promote impractical ideas with the taxpayers money.

    Arguing facts with a believer in renewable energy is generally futile. Their belief is not based on facts but based on passion. Rarely will a serious believer change his mind because he is presented with facts. Fortunately, most people are not true believers, but victims of constant propaganda. One can plant a seed of doubt in such persons by presenting facts. It is often helpful to point out that wind turbines slice up birds.

    The Populist Enemies of Wind Turbines

    Groups of rural residents are furious at having wind farms foisted on them. They object to having landscapes they treasure contaminated by massive windmills. They object to the whump-whump noise and the flickering shadows. Some of those groups advance beyond their esthetic objections to exposing the full scope of the scam. Sixty-seven such projects were defeated by their communities in the year before Norman Rogers published his book.

    Greg Hubner, a resident of South Dakota, wrote: Paradise Destroyed: The Destruction of Rural Living by the Wind Farm Scam. His book is rooted in deep knowledge gained from the political fight against wind farm developers in South Dakota. He wrote the following:

    Powerful corporations and politicians have legislated their way to wealth by passing laws for their own financial benefit. Wind energy is a prime example. Instead of capitalism and a true free market” where the state simply acts as a referee to establish a level playing field, the government is hi-jacked through politics to hinder competitors and give select businesses an unfair advantage.

    Fallacies of Renewable Energy

    The idea of renewable energy as a reliable, comprehensive solution to future energy needs is an error, resting on these faulty assumptions:

    1)  We will run out of fossil fuels in the foreseeable future.

    2)  Burning fossil fuels is dangerous to health and inevitably creates ugly contamination of the atmosphere.

    3)  Renewable energy is financially competitive.

    4)  Carbon dioxide emissions will create a climate disaster.

    As a practical matter, renewable energy is mainly wind electricity and solar electricity. In the U.S., over $100 billion has been spent on heavily subsidized wind turbines and a lesser amount on solar electricity. The industry and its supporters aspire to greatly increase that spending. (Recently, the congress has appropriated huge sums to subsidize wind and solar further.) Ultimately, if the promoters have their way, our electric rates will double or triple as they have in certain European countries and California.

    This book presents facts to counter the massive propaganda promoting renewable energy. The propaganda comes from government agencies, the media, environmental pressure groups, and scientific associations. These groups are shirking their responsibility to present careful and factual analysis. 

    Wind generates electricity when the wind blows, and the sun generates electricity when the sun shines. Adding wind or solar to the conventional electric grid imposes adaptation costs. The grid has to be re-engineered and operated differently to accommodate the erratic nature of wind and solar electricity. The more wind and solar there are, the greater the adaptation cost. The sudden arrival or sudden departure of thousands of megawatts of electricity, according to the mood of the wind or the clouds, stresses a grid that was designed to operate in a more sedate and predictable manner.

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