Even Younger Americans Are Moving Retirement Funds to Precious Metals


    by JD Rucker, America Outloud:

    There has always been a very wide gap in how younger and older Americans handle their money. It isn’t just in day-to-day expenditures. Retirement accounts such as 401K are sometimes an afterthought for those who have been in the workforce for two decades or less while it’s at top of mind for those who are getting closer to retirement age. As a result, younger workers often keep their portfolios in markets that can offer greater returns at greater risks, while older workers or those who have retired often accept lower returns at minimized risks.

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    Today, it seems like more and more younger Americans are abandoning risky markets and moving their retirement accounts and portfolios to safer harbors. This is good for the individual but can be bad for the overall economy as money that has always helped drive the stock market, and other investment types are being pushed to investments like physical precious metals. One Wall Street analyst who declined to be identified told me she’s never seen so much “new money” leaving the markets in her four decades in the industry.

    The precious metals market has always been considered ideal for older Americans with their investments and retirement. The returns are steady, and the risks are generally considered to be lower than having money tied up in the markets. It behooves those who want to protect what they’ve accumulated to move some or all of their investments into gold and silver, but over the past few months, we’ve seen the ranks of younger Americans joining their older fellow citizens in jumping to precious metals.

    Jonathan Rose from Genesis Gold, a Christian precious metals company, joined me again today to discuss this phenomenon. Is it just that the Biden-Harris economy is so bad, fewer people are wanting to stay in riskier markets? There’s actually more to it than that. I asked Mr. Rose about inflation, how interest rates are affecting Americans’ wealth and retirement, and what we can expect in the months and years to come.

    The red wave that should be coming on Election Day will almost certainly have limited effect on the economy itself. Republican majorities will be able to slow the bleeding, but unless they can miraculously win super-majorities in both chambers that would allow them to overturn presidential vetoes, they will not be able to pass significant economic bills that become low. This is just another reason precious metals are becoming more popular to those who want to ride out the storm.

    Mr. Rose explained that one of the most popular moves he’s seen lately is for those who have 401K accounts from previous employers to roll over those accounts into a Self-Directed IRA. This works at any age; sometimes even those who are in their 30s or 40s had accumulated substantial 401K accounts from past jobs and they’re ready to move that money to protect it from the Biden-Harris regime’s fiscal carnage.

    For people under the age of 55, which has traditionally been a turning point for portfolio investment changes, to be moving money now does not bode well for the stock market or correlated investments. Wall Street needs “new money” flowing in for the system to operate well during a robust economy. During a down economy with high inflation and risks of recession, this phenomenon could be a death knell. Add to that the food shortages and energy crises that appear to be on the horizon and it’s abundantly clear why even those who have their whole professional lives ahead of them are “taking a break” by moving their money into precious metals.

    As I often mention on my shows, I’m not fatalistic about the economy. I’ve been keeping my finger on the pulse of what the powers-that-be in the globalist elite cabal have been planning for us financially, and while things may seem very dire today, I’m also seeing indications that their machinations are falling short. Americans are tightening up their budgets appropriately, and while personal debt is at an all-time high it seems that general frugality is on the rise as well. I may be wrong but I believe the economic turmoil the cabal planned and initiated has not yielded the degree of collapse that they’d hoped to see. Perhaps I’m just being optimistic, but I do not see a full-blown economic collapse as likely in the next two years. We will have hardships, which is why precious metals make so much sense, but that doesn’t mean everyone’s buying bunkers in Montana and filling them with food, ammunition, and as many silver coins as they can purchase.

    In other words, we’re not freaking out yet as a nation and that’s a good thing. Unlike ringing the alarm bells about such problems as the border invasion, Chinese takeover of American lands, Pandemic Panic Theater, or LGBTQIA+ supremacy, our economic woes do not require constant badgering about how bad things can get. We have to fight the various plans of the cabal head-on, but the economy is a different beast. Sentiment drives reality with the economy, so fearmongering can often turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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