Why Did the West Learn to Embrace Fascism… Again?


    by Matthew Ehret, Strategic Culture:

    During the Cold War and especially after 1991, too few asked the question: Upon whose blood did such abundance and “freedom” arise?

    We have often heard World War II described as “the war to end all wars”.

    Many in the west have even been led to believe that the ideology of Nazi fascism was simply so evil that nothing of the sort could possibly arise ever again.

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    The 1935 novel “It Can’t Happen Here” by Sinclair Lewis attempted to warn Americans that the greatest danger of fascism’s success resided not in its cartoonish goosestepping portrayed in the media, but rather in the mass psychological delusion that such a system could possibly arise in the freedom-loving land of America.

    Sadly, as we have seen in the course of the nearly eight decades after the allied victory of 1945, fascism has indeed arisen once more in a more virulent expression than anyone had imagined.

    As today’s financial system careens towards an inevitable collapse not entirely different from the controlled demolition of the casino economy bubbles of 1929, geopolitical forces are again being brought into play that are also evoking once more the very real possibility of a new world war.

    Instead of efforts to avoid such a disastrous nuclear confrontation by honest attempts to accept diplomatic pathways offered by Russian and Chinese statesmen, only antagonistic sabre rattling can be heard across the self-flattering corridors of Davos and NATO.

    Instead of seeing efforts to remedy the annihilation of viable forms of energy, food production, and industrial capacity needed to support life among western nations, the opposite trend has been seen to occur in lockstep. Across nearly every nation caught within the NATO cage, we find only puppet leaders devoid of anything approximating substance and who appear unwilling to reverse the self-induced crisis of scarcity threatening to destroy countless lives.

    Some even appear to think this age of scarcity to be a good thing.

    Unipolarists and transhumanists slithering around the corridors of power proclaim time and again that today’s crisis is actually an “opportunity” in disguise.

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    Whether it is Mark Carney championing this civilizational crisis as a wonderful opportunity to break humanity off ifs addiction to cheap hydrocarbon-based fuels and embrace a new order of green energy, or whether it is Anthony Blinken’s uncomfortable celebration that Nordstream’s sabotage as a “tremendous opportunity” to liberate Europe from cheap Russian gas, the effect is always the same.

    These detached elites all seem to believe that the collective behavior of the trans-Atlantic west can finally be transformed by this unfortunate crisis so that we learn to live with less, owning nothing while still being happy, eating bugs instead of ‘dirty’ meat and reducing our impact on the environment by “going green”. French President Emmanuel Macron stated this technocratic view most coldly in September when he proclaimed “the age of abundance is over”.

    Amidst this new ethos emerging under the guise of a “Great Reset”, the U.S. Government has found itself allocating millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to explore techniques to block the sun’s light reaching the earth in order to stop global warming. Even the carbon dioxide molecule, once appreciated as a plant food (along with the also-demonized sunlight) has become enemy #1 targeted for banishment from the human kingdom under a post-reset age.

    This is the same freedom-loving government that has poured trillions of dollars into bailing out zombie banks and pouring weapons mass destruction onto once-viable nations like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine in recent years while spending next to nothing to rebuild the vital infrastructure and industries which citizens desperately require as a matter of basic survival.

    Across the NATO countries, euthanasia laws are extended far beyond the limits of reason to include, the depressed, and “mature minors” who want a taxpayer funded suicide pill. Mind-altering drugs are sold by government propagandists as forms of liberation to be decriminalized while the City of London/Wall Street financiers who launder such drugs via off-shore accounts go unpunished.

    Even “science magazines” like Live Science publish propaganda pieces that justify the absurd notion that a “small nuclear war” may actually be good for the environment by reversing global warming which IPCC computer models tell us has been happening despite any empirical evidence to the contrary.

    While everything outlined above are symptoms, the particular essence of fascism’s modern expression has been difficult for many to identify for a variety of reasons.

    Perhaps the most important of those reasons resides in the fact that the minds of anyone too well adapted to modern academia are crippled by design. It sounds harsh, but the truth often is.

    Educated to Stupidity

    Where education was once premised on encouraging students to make discoveries and learning how to think for oneself as the foundation of becoming both good workers and also good citizens, today’s educational norms have sunk into depths of mediocrity not thought possible by our grandparents’ generation.

    Instead of reproducing the discoveries of truthful ideas, students processed through modern institutions of higher education instead learn how to memorize formulas required to pass tests without understanding how or why those formulae are true. Across the STEM programs, science-oriented students are taught to repeat commonly held beliefs promoted by consensuses of experts who control the reigns of peer-review journals rather than use their own sovereign powers of reason.

    The brilliant agronomist Allan Savory who performed miracles in terraforming desert regions of the earth through elementary holistic practices outlined the fraud of modern peer-review brainwashing in the following short video:

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