West’s Desperate Play for War – Blowing Up The Pipelines


    by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

    The sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipelines was most likely accomplished with US intelligence. Not only is the Biden Administration intent on ending fossil fuels, but this was a strategic maneuver on how to wage war. Just as adversaries would counterfeit each other’s currencies in a desperate measure to undermine their economy to strip them of the ability to fund the war, blowing up these pipelines was a deliberate blow to inflict a death blow to the Russian economy they believe they have Putin on the ropes. Ending Russia’s #1 income, energy, they believe will undermine Putin and lead to a domestic revolution. The problem for the Russian people is that the West will NEVER accept Russia as an equal member. They indeed want to kill the bear completely.

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    Naturally, there are those claiming Russia blew up the pipelines. Just before this sabotage, Putin said to lift the sanctions and he will return the gas flow as reported on September 7th, 2022. There was NO POSSIBLE WAY that Putin sabotages those pipelines for that was his bargaining chip. That is now gone. He cannot now say lift the sanctions and I will turn on the gas. This was done by the climate zealots who have control of most Western governments. To even blame Russia is in reality proof that they know that this was a strategic play by the West most likely carried out with US intelligence.

    The Minsk Agreement brokered by Germany and France was to allow the Donbas to vote on their separation from Ukraine. The West has totally renigged on all of that and this is intentional for the objective here is this Great Reset and the end of fossil fuels. Khruschev grew up there in the Donbas and was in charge of Kiev rebuilding it after World War II before he rose to the leadership of Russia. His successor was Brezhnev who was also born there in the Donbas. This has been occupied by the Russian people since the days of the Tsars. The border of Ukraine was NEVER Ukraine as a nation state. It was Drawn solely by Khruschev for administrative purposes. The Donbas and Crimea were always predominantly Russian

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