by Wayne Allyn Root, The Gateway Pundit:
Our country is being destroyed. It’s clearly a purposeful communist attack upon America from a thousand different directions. But the President isn’t Biden. He is just the figurehead/puppet. The real president is Obama.
This is clearly the third term of Obama. His fingerprints are everywhere.
No president can legally serve three terms. Hence the need for a figurehead. Biden is just a “DDD”- a dummy with dementia and diapers. He says whatever is written on cue cards and signs whatever paper is put in front of him. That allows Obama to run the country from the shadows.
As long as they feed Biden his baby food, change his diapers and allow him to sniff little girls’ hair, Biden does whatever his handlers tell him to do.
But Obama isn’t the brains of the operation. Obama is just a communist tool. Obama takes his orders from a team of communist suicide bombers: Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and of course, the boss of all bosses, the capo di tutti, China and the Chinese Communist Party.
Obama is owed lock, stock and barrel by the Deep State, United Nations, World Economic Forum and China. The reason it’s important to know Obama is the real president is because Obama was my college classmate at Columbia University, Class of 1983- where we learned the plan to destroy America.
That plan was called “Cloward-Piven.”
Obama learned it well. It’s happening today. Look around. The powers-that-be have just given it a different name: “The Great Reset.”
But the goals are the same- destroy America, make us into a socialist nation, make everyone poor and dependent on government to survive, and make us into a one-party country (Democrat Party) with no opposition or dissent.
They are following the Cloward-Piven game plan to a T.
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