Unholy Alliance — Faith Leaders Pushing Pharma Fraud


    by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

    • A key component of the campaign to entice people into taking the experimental COVID shots has been to enlist “trusted messengers,” from social media influencers and celebrities to medical doctors and faith leaders. The U.S. government has established formal collaborations with faith-based organizations for the sole purpose of pushing the government’s narrative

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    • According to Walmart, many of the company’s most successful vaccination clinics have been held after Sunday services. Facebook ads in which faith leaders promoted the COVID jabs also outperformed other “trusted messengers,” including health care providers
    • Evangelical pastors, theologians and seminary heads across the U.S. followed the lead of Dr. Francis Collins, a self-proclaimed Christian and the former head of the National Institutes of Health, who leveraged his relationships with church leaders to convince Christians that submitting to lockdowns and COVID jab mandates was a matter of obedience to God
    • A number of faith leaders have insisted that Jesus himself would get the jab, were he here today. But not once did Jesus advise people to rely on the tools — or word — of man. Instead, he warned of a future time when even the elect will fall prey to a grand deception
    • Hindsight, scientific evidence and statistical data allow us to conclude that many faith leaders led their flocks astray. The COVID shot does not protect you from infection and death, nor does it protect anyone else. It was all a lie, and excess death rates skyrocketed after the rollout of the COVID shots

    The video1 above is a short teaser from “Plandemic 3,” the third documentary film about the COVID scamdemic from filmmaker Mikki Willis. It shows just how widespread the advertising of the COVID shots were.

    Entertainment industries across the world were enlisted to sing and dance about the wonder of vaccines, and how the COVID shot would end lockdowns, give us back our freedom and save the world. The constant message was “Just get the shot!”

    As noted in the film, 46% of all vaccine injuries in the last three decades have occurred in the past two years,2 following the rollout of these experimental gene therapies, and deaths from the COVID jabs now surpass deaths from COVID-19 itself.

    That’s the end result of this mass indoctrination campaign. Not improved public health. Not freedom. And even though a majority of the populations across the globe have received the shot, the pandemic STILL has not been declared “over.”

    Trusted Messengers

    A key component of the campaign to entice people into taking these experimental bioweapons has been to enlist “trusted messengers,”3,4,5 from social media influencers and celebrities to medical doctors and faith leaders.

    Even former U.S. presidents preached the gospel of the COVID jabs, as seen in the video above. In it, they repeat the Big Lie — that the shots will prevent infection and spread, thereby putting an end to the pandemic. But the enlistment of faith leaders has perhaps been one of the most effective, yet egregious, ways to get shots into arms.

    As reported by the Daily Wire,6 evangelical pastors, theologians and seminary heads across the U.S. followed the lead of Dr. Francis Collins, a self-proclaimed Christian and the former head of the National Institutes of Health, who “leveraged his relationships with church leaders like ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ author Rick Warren and apologist Tim Keller to convince Christians across the nation that submitting to lockdowns and mandates was a matter of obedience to God.”

    Christianity Today theologian Russell Moore and Ed Stetzer, director of the Billy Graham Center — both personal friends of Collins — “argued that Christians had a responsibility to tamp down on ‘conspiracy theories’ like the notion that the virus leaked from a Wuhan lab or that masks were ineffective,” Daily Wire writes.

    Former NIH Director Pushed the Big Lie to Christians

    Collins’ messaging was in part distributed via BioLogos, an organization founded by Collins in 2007 “to create bridges between scientists and Christians.” In late August 2020, BioLogos distributed a public statement titled “Love Your Neighbor, Get the Shot.”7

    The statement was signed by a long list of well-known Christian leaders, including theologian N.T. Wright, Christian authors Philip Yancey and Lisa Sharon Harper, Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer, Christianity Today CEO Timothy Dalrymple and several seminary presidents.

    All vowed to “actively promote accurate scientific and public health information from trustworthy, consensus sources,” and to counter “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories.” Messaging included statements such as:8

    “Mask rules are not experts taking away our freedom, but an opportunity to follow Jesus’ command to love our neighbors as ourselves (Luke 6:31),” and “Get vaccinated” because “Vaccination is a provision from God.”

    March 16, 2021, Collins, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities director Dr. Eliseo Pérez-Stable and White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships executive director Melissa Rogers also joined faith leaders at the Washington National Cathedral to promote the COVID jab and “inspire confidence in the coronavirus vaccines.”9,10

    Attending clergy included Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, African Methodist Episcopal, Baptist and non-denominational Christians, as well Jewish and Islamic denominations. At the end, more than two dozen of these faith leaders lined up to get the shot, right then and there, on camera, “as examples for their worship communities.”

    Faith Leaders Beguiled by False Teachings

    Even Pope Francis went on record urging people to get the shot — and to encourage others to get it — calling it “an act of love”11 and “an ethical option because it concerns your life but also that of others.”12

    Curiously, the Vatican went so far as to say “It is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses” provided there are no other alternatives, and provided it “does not constitute formal cooperation with … abortion …”13

    According to Vatican News,14 Pope Francis’ announcement was made in collaboration with the Ad Council, which has led “a massive communications effort to educate the American public and build confidence around the COVID-19 vaccines,” and whose stated goal “is to shift the public mindset from vaccine concern to vaccine confidence.”15

    The Ad Council also produced the presidential COVID jab ad above. It has toolkits with “message guidance” and “language do’s and don’ts” for a wide variety of communities, including Black, Hispanic, rural and faith communities.16

    The Ad Council’s toolkit for faith communities include prewritten sermons, preselected Bible quotes, Sunday school curricula on “making wise decisions” and a “parents conversation guide.”17 Care USA18 and The U.S. government’s own COVID-19 public education campaign called “We Can Do This” also provides materials aimed directly at faith-based leaders.19

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