Twitter is a Weapon, not a Business


    by Robert W Malone MD, MS, Who is Robert Malone:

    In the information war, nothing is what it seems, and your mind is the battleground

    I am constantly amazed at the naïvety of many of my colleagues regarding the media landscape and ongoing unrestricted information warfare practices. Here are two recent examples just to illustrate the point. If you choose to participate in Twitter, you are feeding a Cyber Warfare engine. So just stop.

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    From the article “Cyber Warfare: A New Frontier in Foreign Policy” (published in 2016)

    “Much like the chlorine gas and machine guns of World War I, our governments have a new generation of weaponry at their disposal. The world has never seen a planet encompassing cyber war, nor could it imagine the consequences of digital attrition and its effects on the real world. Unlike conventional warfare, there was no Geneva Convention outlining the moral standards for cyber attacks on nation states. But most importantly, it is difficult to decipher the point in which a cyber attack warrants a direct military response.”

    People think of me as just having understanding of one domain, basically vaccines, biodefense, FDA/regulatory affairs and suchlike. I routinely get advised to “stay in your lane” by various media figures. What they have problems understanding is that my experience is much broader than that. Good heavens, I came up with the RNA as a medicine/vaccine platform idea when I was 28. I have done a lot since then, despite the gaslighting and what Paul Offit may spew.

    Among other things, as a consultant I have won billions and billions of dollars in federal contract awards for my clients when acting as proposal manager, subject matter expert, and proposal author. This is because I have the ability to dive into new technical domains, quickly understand the fundamentals, and then write convincing proposals in response to US Federal requirements. As a consequence, I have signed many non-disclosure agreements (which limit what I can disclose about what I know), and have performed deep dives into a variety of different business and technical/strategic plans. <For the record- My pay rate for this work was typically $300/hr, which is modest for someone with my knowledge base and track record. Enough to pay the bills, but not enough to yield the “millions” of dollars which the trolls claim that I have been paid>.

    For many years, one of my clients was a company known as “Behavior Matrix”, which has since been sold in 2017 to Element Data. Element Data is partnered with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, and Snowflake. Here is one case study in how Element Data supports the Healthcare industry, and another study regarding the Pharmaceutical industry. My point here is that I do have insights into the current status of Cyber. And it goes far beyond this specific example.

    It can be hard for outsiders not familiar with the technologies to begin to understand the Cyber War battlefield terrain. So let’s being with an easy example: flash mobs. Per Wiki, “A flash mob (or flashmob) is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression. Flash mobs may be organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.” The exploitation of social media and email to assemble and direct group or mob behavior has become extremely sophisticated (more to follow), but I will start with an easy example that will be familiar to many of you.

    Carolina Galvin works for Dr. Peter McCullough (among others), and is a specialist in a fairly crude form of flashmob management. Over years, she has passed out slips of paper with a QR code to virtually anyone she meets. They scan the QR, and it takes them to a site where they can enroll to support whatever mission Ms. Galvin wishes to deploy them on. She now has an army of cyberwarriors that she can deploy with any message of her choosing to provide support or attack the causes of her clients via social media. She sends the message, they act in mass in what appears to be a spontaneous uprising. This article (“New Report Details Efforts to Infiltrate, Disrupt Health Freedom Movement”) was written, in part, about Carolina, and is partially based on the report “The Themis Report: Anatomy of Infiltration in the Grassroots Health Freedom Movement.”

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