This Is The Next Stage Of Cancel Culture


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    We are rapidly sliding down a very dangerous slippery slope.  If we keep destroying lives simply because we don’t like what those individuals are saying, eventually we will end up with a society where most people are afraid to say anything meaningful at all.  Such societies already exist in our world today, and they are nightmares.  If you want to see a perfect example of what I am talking about, just take a trip over to North Korea.  Everyone over there is scared to death of being shipped off to a concentration camp for doing or saying the wrong thing.  Unfortunately, if we ultimately decide to stay on the path that we are currently on there is a chance that we could eventually end up just like North Korea.

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    Freedom of speech is a fundamental pillar of the grand bargain that we have all made with one another that is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

    I am not supposed to try to shut you up, and you are not supposed to try to shut me up.

    The only way that our current system will work is if everyone is allowed to speak freely.  If even one segment of the population is muzzled, then our elections are no longer “free” or “fair”, and those with certain views are inevitably pushed to the fringes of society.

    Sadly, in recent years we have seen an unprecedented effort to “cancel” those that say things that the politically-correct elite do not like.

    The first stage of this movement primarily manifested on the Internet.  Those that dared to express dissenting opinions to the dominant narratives of the day were penalized and/or banned by the large social media platforms.

    But that was never going to be enough for the politically-correct elite.

    So now they are trying to use the legal system to destroy the lives of their enemies.

    Perhaps the most prominent example of this is Donald Trump.

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