The UN, WEF, and Bill Gates are Really Trying to Starve Us into Submission


    by Dr. Jay Lehr, America Outloud:

    Awake everyone, the evil folks behind the Communist takeover of the world have put a plan in place to starve us all into submission, but we will defeat Bill Gates and his tyrannical forces in the end.

    Do not doubt that there is now underway a global war on farming. How better to bring the population to its knees than cutting off its food supply? Better even than energy shortages that are already long underway. The World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab, the author of the Great Reset, the United Nations led by Antonio Gutierrez, and a phalanx of truly evil-doers none worse than Bill Gates, controller of the World Health Organization in concert with the Chinese Communist Party.

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    Neither the WEF nor the Rockefeller Foundation responded to requests for comment on their role in Agenda 2030 and on the agricultural policies being pursued around the world.

    Other organizations and entities involved in the push include powerful tax-exempt foundations such as the Gates Foundation, the EU-style regional governments proliferating worldwide, and various groups funded by them. 

    All over the globe, UN SDG-aligned government policies are squeezing farmers-especially smaller, independent producers unable to absorb the added costs of added regulation and control.

    He was celebrating UN sustainability ideas, recently ousted Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa announced at the UN COP 26 climate summit in 2021 that his government was banning chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

    Sri Lanka recently restricted the imports of chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides, which include herbicides, to control weeds due to public health concerns, water contamination, soil degradation, and biodiversity impacts, Rajapaksa told world leaders, to widespread acclaim, as starvation swept the Island Nation. There is joy among these monsters as they see their populations suffer.

    Although opposed by entrenched lobbies, this has created opportunities for innovation and investment into organic agriculture that will be healthier and more sustainable in the future as yields shrink massively and more people starve.

    Even though these draconian measures were rapidly rolled back, the policies produced catastrophic food shortages, widespread hunger, and eventually a popular revolt that ousted the president and his government. But these disasters will be widely repeated before the evil; tyrannical leaders can be unseated.

    In 2019 the socialist Sri Lanka government partnered with the UN  to establish the UN Global Nitrogen Campaign, which promotes the UN-backed policies on nitrogen that are now proliferating worldwide. 

    In the Netherland headquarters for the WEF Food Innovation Hub, secretariat authorities are imposing nitrogen policies that are expected to decimate the nation’s highly productive agricultural sector. The plans also include widespread expropriation of farms. A once free nation is all but becoming a prison camp.

    The expropriation plans of the cabinet are a downright declaration of war on the agriculture sector, said Dutch member of Parliament Gideon van Meijeren of the Forum for Democracy Party, as cited by De Dagelijkse Standard. Under false pretenses, farmers are being robbed of their land, centuries-old farms are being demolished, and farmers’ families are being totally destroyed. 

    Experts warned of dangerous consequences from such sustainability policies, including food shortages, skyrocketing prices, social unrest, etc. You can glimpse the green sustainable future by beholding Holland and Sri Lanka now, Bonner Cohen, a senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research, told the Epoch Times.

    And yet the plan is spreading rapidly. Canadian federal authorities recently announced similar fertilizers and nitrogen restrictions after energy production restrictions were put in place, sparking outrage from provincial officials and farmers.

    Various government entities in Ireland, the United Kingdom, and other European nations are also working to slash agricultural production under sustainability programs. This is not crazy or insane, or wrongheaded. It is a perfect plan to subjugate a population under the thumb of megalomaniac government power-mad individuals.

    Aside from continuing with policies that pay farmers not to grow food, the Biden Administration seeks to impose WEF-backed policies such as ESG and reporting on companies through the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Farm associations and more than 100 members of Congress argue that the plan would bankrupt owners of small and medium-sized farms unable to comply with climate reporting requirements to do business with public firms even as the world moves toward widespread food shortages.

    In part, experts say the insistence on these sorts of policies is because those imposing are largely insulated from the damage they are causing.

    Global elites in government, trans-national organizations, and corporate boardrooms – well represented in the WEF are so caught up in their climate virtue signaling from which many hope to benefit financially through investments in green energy they are slow to notice that they are completely detached from reality said National Center for Public Policy Research’s Cohen who specializes in environmental issues.

    Few of those imposing regulations on farmers have ever set foot on a farm. By virtue of the power and wealth, these people already have, they are shielded from the consequences of misguided policies they impose on the rest of the world. That burden is borne by ordinary people around the world, about whom the Davos crowd and their partners in crime know nothing.

    According to Sterling Burnett, who holds a doctorate in environmental ethics and leads The Heartland Institute’s Center, Sri Lanka’s disaster offered a review of what will happen to the United States and Europe if policymakers continue to follow the UN sustainability plan on Climate and Environmental Policy.

    Its not a war on farming; it’s a war on small agriculture and independent farmers, he told Epoch Times. Its a war in support of elite large-scale agricultural industries.

    Even though the UN SDGs speak of helping small-scale food production, Burnett argued that independent farms and ranches are in the cross hairs to help consolidate control of the food supply.

    He said that policymakers are in the pocket of primary corporate interests, including Conagra, Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard, and others. They would just as soon have all their small competitors put out of business.” He said, echoing concerns expressed by numerous other experts. Blackrock CEO Larry Fink, whose firm manages more money than any other company in the world, wants to impose his values on companies using other peoples money, Burnett said.

    Fink, who serves on the board of the influential Council on Foreign Relations and works closely with WEF, is a crucial architect of the push to impose environmental, social, and governance requirements on US companies. This is the super-rich forcing their values on the rest of us, said Burnett pointing to those he says are happy to work with communities on the effort. 

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