The Globalists Death Wish: Russia’s ‘Dead Hand System’ Is Ready To Incinerate Washington DC, NATO And America Automatically, Even If Russia’s Entire Chain Of Command Is Incapacitated


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

With nuclear war insanely being babbled about at the very highest levels of the US government, and any nuclear war that does break out most likely hitting the Washington DC psychopaths first, and quite literally incinerating millions of Americans in the process, we thought we’d remind those Washington DC psychopaths about Russia’s ‘Dead Hand System,‘ also known as ‘Perimeter,’ in this story.

As wikipedia reports of ‘Dead Hand,’ the system remains in place to this day, and while it is said to only be activated during times of crisis, who wouldn’t argue we’re in such a time right now? And as that wikipedia entry reported, ‘Dead Hand’ is a fail-safe Russian  system that will automatically launch nuclear weapons at Russia’s enemies, even if the entire Russian chain of command has been incapacitated. From that entry.:


Dead Hand‘ is a Cold War-era automatic nuclear weapons-control system (similar in concept to the American AN/DRC-8 Emergency Rocket Communications System) that was constructed by the Soviet Union. The system remains in use in the post-Soviet Russian Federation. 

An example of fail-deadly and mutual assured destruction deterrence, it can automatically initiate the launch of the Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) by sending a pre-entered highest-authority order from the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Strategic Missile Force Management to command posts and individual silos if a nuclear strike is detected by seismic, light, radioactivity, and pressure sensors even with the commanding elements fully destroyed. 

By most accounts, it is normally switched off and is supposed to be activated during times of crisis; however, as of 2009, it was said to remain fully functional and able to serve its purpose when needed.

With this September of 2014 story over at Business Insider titled “Russia May Still Have An Automated Nuclear Launch System Aimed Across The Northern Hemisphere” reporting just how incredibly devastating a ‘dead hand’ attack on America and the West would be, Biden and his psychopaths better read this before pushing us into a war that very few will survive if this story is correct.

Both sides now are putting weapons in to place that can reach each other in seven, eight minutes,” Tom Nichols, a professor at the Naval War College, told National Geographic. This reduced “the amount of time for a decision about whether or not to begin a nuclear war, about whether or not to incinerate the entire northern hemisphere from minutes to seconds.” 

To deter the possibility of a U.S. nuclear first-strike, the Soviets created a system called Perimeter, also known as “Dead Hand.” 

The Dead Hand was a computer system that could autonomously launch all of the USSR’s nuclear weapons once it was activated, across the entirety of the Soviet Union.

Dead Hand was a weapon of last resort. It was created to ensure that even if the Soviet leadership was wiped out, a nuclear response could still be launched against the West and NATO in retaliation

After Dead Hand was activated by Soviet military officials, “the first thing it does is check the communication lines to work out if there’s anyone alive and in charge of the Soviet military,” Alok Jha, author of “The Doomsday Handbook,” told National Geographic. “If they’re not alive, it takes over.” 

If Dead Hand did not detect signs of a preserved military hierarchy, the system would perform a check for signals of a nuclear attack, such as a change in air pressure, extreme light, and radioactivity. 

If the system concluded that a nuclear strike had taken place, Dead Hand would proceed to launch all of the remaining nuclear weapons from all of the silos throughout the Soviet Union at targets across the Northern Hemisphere.

According to Joe Rogan and Dave Smith as reported in this new story over at Zero Hedge“the most important priority in the history of humanity is that America and Russia do not go to war. There’s nothing more important than that. That’s it. We’ll destroy the human species if we do this. And yet there’s this war right on Russia’s border. And there’s no effort to negotiate going on. There’s no effort.”

With Smith then going on to describe how just the opposite is the scenario we’re now witnessing, with Western powers led by the US and UK actually thwarting any chances of peace, why are Joe Biden and the globalists seemingly so eager to get America incinerated, potentially leading to the deaths of 90% or more of the US population if an EMP takes down the electrical grid, sending this nation of nearly 330 million people back to the 18th century and the infrastructure we had back then?
As war veteran Elijah J. Magnier recently warned in a tweet as also reported in that Zero Hedge story“The #US is desperately provoking #Russia to use tactical nuclear weapons. I don’t think this will happen in the way America, or even #Kyiv, expects. However, the US administration is forcing President Putin to react more harsher than ever. That objective will be met, I reckon.”
And with one of the ways that Biden and his psychopaths surely won’t expect that Russia would react being ‘Dead Hand‘ unleashed upon 100’s of millions of Americans, we’ve also reported on ANP numerous times about just how far advanced Russia’s nuclear weapons are over America’s. From this March of 2020 Atlantic Council story titled “Russia’s exotic nuclear weapons and implications for the United States and NATO.”

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