
    by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

    Considering just about everything posted on TBP would be considered mis-information by the left wing lunatics running Paypal and the rest of the Silicon Valley social media censorship police, the news about them fining Paypal users $2,500 per violation would cripple TBP within a day. I have been accepting donations through Paypal for about six years. Even though they were forced to revoke their ridiculous policy change, millions of people are canceling their Paypal accounts. Their stock is down 6%, wiping out tens of millions in market value. They deserve to pay dearly for their totalitarian actions.

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    I was already surprised they hadn’t pulled the plug on TBP for not following the establishment narrative. But this was the kick in the ass for me to set up an alternative payment method. I set up a Stripe account, so everyone who doesn’t want to provide Paypal with revenue can have an alternative way to support TBP.

    A number of TBP supporters who were signed up for automatic monthly payments through Paypal have canceled their accounts. Stripe does allow for the same option.

    Since there are still over 50 people signed up for monthly Paypal donations I am going to keep both options available until the end of the year. My goal would be to encourage people to switch over to Stripe and end their Paypal association. At that point I would end the Paypal option.

    If anyone has problems with the new Stripe option just email me. I’m not great with technical issues, but TMWNN set this up for me in a few minutes. I have added these new options on the sidebar donation area and under the articles. I hope this helps as I try to adapt to changing conditions on a daily basis.

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