‘Sponsored by Pfizer’: Media ignore executive’s bombshell admission


    from WND:

    One might think that a top Pfizer executive’s admission in testimony before the European Parliament that her company’s vaccine was never tested during clinical trials for the ability to prevent transmission of COVID-19 would be front-page news.

    After all, the whole premise for the vaccine mandates that have cost many people their livelihoods, separated them from loves ones and barred them from restaurants and sports arenas is that the shots stop the spread of the SARS-CoV2 virus.

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    The ineffectiveness of the vaccines in stopping infection and transmission has been clear to anyone paying attention, but the admission on Monday by Janine Small, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, is significant as the military, government agencies, schools and other institutions continue to exclude people who have chosen not to get the experimental shots.

    Nevertheless, there was no coverage of Small’s remarks by establishment media.

    Matt Agorist, editor at large at the Free Thought Project, drew a connection to the fact that Pfizer is a major media sponsor, posting a montage on Twitter of news programs “brought to you by Pfizer.”

    See the montage:

    “This is one of the most telling admissions made since the beginning of the pandemic and the entirety of the establishment media is silent,” Agorist wrote on Twitter. “Could it be due to the fact that they all said the exact opposite for the last 2 years?”

    James Melville noted there was “almost zero coverage in the mainstream media.”

    “The silence of complicity is deafening,” he tweeted.

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