Old Nuclear PSAs You May Find Interesting


    by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

    There are a LOT of nuclear strike articles being written at the moment. A LOT. I guess just given the nature of our current times, I’ve had a morbid interest in looking over older nuclear PSAs (public service announcements). It’s part of the reason I started to look further into that old British PSA Protect and Survive.

    There are a lot of these old PSAs when you start to look into them, and they’re rather dark but still pretty interesting. Here are a few of them that I found interesting that you may as well.

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    (If you’re looking for real, up-to-date yet down-to-earth nuclear survival information, be sure to check out our webinar tonight!)

    This 1965 PSA on Civil Defense

    I think that this is the most disturbing out of all the ones I’ve found so far. Bizarre paper mache-style marionettes are used to tell people what they are supposed to do to stay safe. I still haven’t figured out how they got that puppet on strings to blink.

    The whole scenario is rather nightmarish, has something of a Howdy Doody vibe, and they cover a lot of material. I’m not sure I would be willing to follow the advice to get my cows to cover before I get myself to cover. I have a bit more value than an animal does, though I do understand the importance of protecting food sources.

    I am interested in finding the booklets “Your Livestock Can Survive Fallout” and “Your Family Survival Plan” that the PSA advertises. They do recommend a 14-day supply of food as well, which coincides with Cresson Kearny’s statements that you’ll have to spend at least two weeks in any type of fallout shelter before you can even think to begin to go out for short periods of time.


    A Day Called X

    I’m not exactly sure if this was supposed to be a PSA or what. It’s something of a combination of an old film noir detective movie combined with Andy Griffith, maybe? Andy Griffith minus the happiness, I suppose. You get a Twilight Zone ending too. So, this video is a mishmash of everything 1950s TV had to offer.

    The whole video plays out as a story with enemy bombers being spotted over Canada on their way to the US (Portland, if I remember correctly). A narrator helps to move the script along as the people run about, trying to be as prepared as possible for whatever is coming. It’s a longer video that doesn’t really bring a lot of closure (did the bomb hit or not?), but it is pretty entertaining.


    Protection in the Nuclear Age 

    A 1979 cartoon-type slideshow with some generic nuclear survival advice. You may find it more interesting than I did.

    Protect and Survive 

    From 1975, this is the video accompaniment to that pamphlet that I had written about before. I think this is probably the most serious-looking PSA out of any of the ones on this list. There are some pretty eerie sound effects to show the British people what they need to be listening for, what I don’t think is great advice, and I think the cartoon atmosphere just kind of lends itself to the spooky atmosphere here.

    (Want to learn how to store food? Check out our free QUICKSTART Guide to building a 3-layer food storage plan.)

    New York City PSA

    You’ve probably already seen this one, as it made headlines just about a month ago when New York City pumped it out. You have a lady in front of a green screen telling people they need to close their windows if they think a nuclear attack is coming and all kinds of other nuke-related advice.

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