Mercola Website Shutdown — Why You May Be Next


    by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Mercola’s Censored Library:

    Suppression and harassment of those who dissent against COVID tyranny has created an awakening. We simply can’t pick and choose approved speech.

    • September 23, 2022, the Mercola website was cyberattacked and taken offline. The attack also destroyed our email servers and all our email accounts were lost including my primary email

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    • Over the past two years, we’ve been censored and deplatformed by several social media companies at the request of the federal government. Banks have also shut down our accounts and canceled our credit cards, and PayPal has shut down the accounts of our business partners
    • Since August 2021, our reach has been primarily restricted to subscribers of our newsletter, and with this cyberattack, they tried to eliminate even this limited reach
    • Our website will temporarily operate through Substack, which will host our content for the first 48 hours free of charge. It is imperative that you sign up for a free subscription to my Substack to receive our daily newsletter
    • If you are a newsletter subscriber and you receive our newsletter through Gmail please use this as an opportunity to catalyze switching your primary email to ProtonMail.
    • Our online marketplace,, was restored after being offline for four days and is operational again
    Visit Mercola Market

    Many of you are aware the Mercola website disappeared early Friday morning, September 23, 2022. This outage wasn’t scheduled, but we have been planning and preparing for the possibility that hackers might succeed in their attempts to take us down for some time now.

    The past few years have brought many challenges. Attacks have been ongoing for the past six years, but have really concentrated over the last two. Media, U.S. senators, attorneys general, federal agencies and Big Tech have all been used by the global cabal to illegally shut down our right to free speech.

    In April 2021, two state attorneys general threatened social media companies with legal ramifications if they didn’t censor me, and in July that year President Biden himself demanded I be banned from all social media.

    why am I deleting all content after 48 hours

    By early August 2021, the free speech attacks had intensified to the point where the best choice available was to make articles viewable for free for only 48 hours. After that, they were transferred to a subscription platform (Substack) which provides legal protection of a private membership association.

    As demanded by the White House, my reach on social media has since been throttled back to next to nothing. Still, that wasn’t enough. In February 2022, former National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins blamed me personally for the government’s inability to bring the COVID pandemic to a close. This despite the fact that I was by then heavily censored just about everywhere.

    The only people, really, who saw my information were those who subscribed to my newsletter and received it by email. In this latest attack on my website, they tried to eliminate even that ability to share information.

    The Global Cabal Plays Dirty

    celebrating 25 years

    The global cabal also have other ways to shut down opposition. A key strategy is to destroy you financially and prevent you from making a living. Before our website was successfully hacked and taken down, our bank accounts were closed and credit cards canceled. Our business partners have also had their PayPal accounts shut down. I discussed all of this in my 25th anniversary video (above).

    The strategy to close financial accounts and/or withhold funds for months on end has been employed across the world,1 2 and proves many private companies are anything but independent and impartial service providers. The truth is, Big Tech has been weaponized to suppress dissent, and the global cabal is using it for all it’s worth.

    It started with suppression and harassment of those who dissented against COVID tyranny. Then they started suppressing those with more conservative political views. The next target is anyone’s guess. It could be anything, really, which is why the right to free speech must be protected at all costs.

    We simply cannot pick and choose “approved speech.” All speech must be equally protected. We must also ensure that private service companies cannot be used as weapons for totalitarian control, which is precisely how PayPal has been used.

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