Kanye West – Can the Banks Cancel Someone?


    by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

    Kanye West is a polarizing character, which is part of his celebrity. He says things to shock people and counter the current societal norms. He has long spoken out against the woke agenda, making waves by appearing with Candace Owens in “White Lives Matters” shirts. He was temporarily banned from social media platforms after talking poorly about the Jewish community while also saying black people are also Jewish. The man admits to having a mental illness. Still, they put microphones in his face and promote what he has to say as shocking and offensive to sell a story. It is no surprise that he was temporarily canceled from social media as all the major platforms cancel dissenters on a mass scale for much less. However, what happened next was a wake-up call for coming social credit scores.

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    JPMorgan Chase made an announcement that West is no longer permitted to bank with their institution. West, a billionaire, must remove all his funds from the bank by the end of the month. I do not care about celebrities, but I do care about corporations having the ability to remove freedoms over free speech. JPMorgan Chase showed that anyone who speaks out against the norm could have their funds uprooted.

    The bank acts as the jury and judge. Epstein was permitted to hold funds at JPMorgan Chase despite an ongoing pedophile ring trial. Bernie Madoff banked with JPMorgan Chase. The same bank took direct action in World War II to aid the Nazis. Chase bank issued Rückwanderer marks so that American Nazi sympathizers could buy German marks for a discount. Those funds were mainly stolen from Jews who fled Germany as antisemitism was on the rise. Let’s not forget former President Franklin D. Roosevelt placed a freeze on German assets in the US at that time, which is another topic. Chase bank funneled Third Reich assets through South America to avoid FDR’s ruling.

    PayPal released an internal memo earlier in the week stating that they were considering fining users $2,500 for “misinformation” and quickly backtracked after their stock plummeted. Social credit scores are being ushered in by the New World Order. The same banks that fund pedophiles and actual Nazis can discard your funds if they personally disagree with you.

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