Insane Headlines From Mass Media (October 2022)


from Vigilant Citizen:

I have a nasty habit that I am desperately trying to quit: I scroll through news headlines too many times a day. Sometimes I do it without even realizing it. And I have to stop it. Because this mindless activity often ends up souring my mood and raising my blood pressure.

That’s because, in the past years, what we call “the news” morphed into a mutant, deformed monster that’s barely recognizable. There is no more objective information, only articles telling you what to think about information. There are no more journalists, only word monkeys who were solely hired to churn out the “agenda du jour”. And the headlines they come up with are bad. And pathetic. And embarrassing.


Some are so mind-bogglingly awful that I feel they should be preserved and cherished forever. In fact, they should be shown to future generations as examples of the prevailing insanity in 21st-century mass media.

In short, I started collecting insane headlines and I’d like to share them with you. Because behind these insane words hide an even more insane agenda.

Let’s look at some insane headlines that were published by major outlets in the past weeks.

Global Warming Makes Children Fat

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In the past few years, the climate agenda pushed by mass media has taken a bizarre turn. After elevating Greta Thunberg to the status of “climate Saint” (for no reason at all) and blaming every single instance of bad weather on climate change, mass media wants to go even further.

Now, the illustrious journalists at CBS Mornings are telling us that climate change is ATTACKING OUR CHILDREN.

Indeed, using a highly biased “study” (specifically created to serve an agenda), this news blurb states that children are fatter and less active because … of the climate.

Here’s a crazy idea: Children are fatter because most of them are glued to screens several hours a day and eat tons of sugar and processed foods.

But no. Facts are not important. Only agendas. So we must blame climate change for fat kids. Why take personal responsibility for your children when you can blame a vague agenda that can only be resolved with a global government?

Time Has a Seizure

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Please read the headline above carefully. Notice weird words such as “eir” and “ey”? No, those are not typos. Those are gender-neutral pronouns that nobody in their right mind ever uses. But Time made it a point to liter its headline with these words.

That’s because the English language is transphobic and needs to be morphed into Orwellian Newspeak. If you’re confused about these words, here’s a simple (and totally not insane) guide to help you.

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This is not insane.

So Time dedicated an article glorifying author and illustrator Maia Kobabe, even bending the English language to cater to this person’s wants and needs. Kobabe must be an amazing author and illustrator. Let’s look at some pages from the children’s book Gender Queer that was shamelessly promoted by this Time article.

what Insane Headlines From Mass Media (October 2022)

thef Insane Headlines From Mass Media (October 2022)

Yup. The book depicts children’s sexuality.

If you’re tempted to say:

“VC you’ve gone too far! Why did you post this filth in your article? I did not want to see this!”

Please take note of this important fact: This book can be found in countless ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS across the country. And Time magazine is promoting it using crazy made-up words. This is the current state of education and mass media.

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