Illegal Aliens Flown to Martha’s Vineyard by Ron DeSantis Granted Special VISAs Permitting Lawful Residency as Crime Victims


    from The Conservative Treehouse:

    As expected, the Lawfare ideologues have weaponized the legal system to grant special visa status to the illegal aliens flown to Martha’s Vineyard by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.  The aliens have been granted lawful U.S. residency status via “U VISA’s” reserved for victims of crimes.

    Their applications as criminally trafficked victims come as the result of Texas Sherriff Javier Salazar certifying they were victims of an illegal human trafficking operation led by the Florida governor.  As an outcome, Ron DeSantis is under investigation by federal authorities and Texas authorities for violations of human trafficking laws.

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    The federal government, U.S. Treasury Dept, has an open investigation into the funds used by DeSantis to conduct the transfer operation. “Documents indicate Florida officials paid Destin, Fla.-based Vertol Systems Co. $1.56 million for the Martha’s Vineyard flight and possibly for a flight to Delaware, the home state of President Joe Biden, that ultimately didn’t happen.” [link]  Meanwhile Texas Sheriff Salazar is conducting a criminal investigation for human trafficking.

    The 50 aliens have essentially been designated as victims and received the special VISA’s protecting them from extradition.  They are now considered witnesses for use by the Treasury investigation and Texas criminal probe.

    WASHINGTON DC – Texas Sheriff Javier Salazar on Thursday certified that the group of migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., last month by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) were victims of a crime, qualifying them to obtain a visa.

    Salazar, the Bexar County sheriff, submitted certification documents that will allow the nearly 50 migrants to apply for U visas, which grant crime victims nonimmigrant status in the U.S. to ensure that they are available as witnesses during investigations or trials.

    “Based upon the claims of migrants being transported from Bexar County under false pretenses, we are investigating this case as possible Unlawful Restraint,” Salazar said in a statement to GBH News.

    The Venezuelan nationals transported to Martha’s Vineyard were reportedly given false information about where they were going and the support they would receive at the destination.

    The certification comes a day after the Department of the Treasury announced that it would investigate DeSantis’s usage of COVID-19 relief money and the “allowability” of funding migrant transportation with that money or interest earned on it. (read more)

    It was obvious from shortly after the first wave of aliens was transferred from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard that progressive Lawfare operatives had found an angle to use the transfers as a targeting mechanism against Governor Ron DeSantis.  That’s likely why the second set of flights to Delaware never took place.

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