
    by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

    Our thanks to S.D. and V.T. for spotting this one and sending it along, because when I saw it I knew I had to blog about it. The trouble is, I don’t know quite where nor how to begin, because there is so much to say.

    So let’s start at the beginning: HAARP is an “ionospheric heater,” and the acronym stands for “High Altitude Auroral Research Project.” It began during the Reagan era and according to the research of Dr. Nick Begich and Jean Manning in their now well-known work, Angels Don’t Play this HAARP, the project may have been and probably was a component of Reagan’s “Star Wars” missile defense project. They base this conclusion on an examination of the patents for the facility that were taken out by the late plasma physicist, Dr. Bernard Eastland, who later went one to give several interviews warning people of the dangers of his own invention. In any case, the weaponization potential of HAARP was there for all to see in the patents: it might manipulate weather, it might be able to interfere with communications, it might be able to interfere with the trajectory of ballistic missiles flight paths in the atmosphere, it might conceivably be able to open up “channels” in the magnetosphere for great electrical arcs – lightning – to travel through. It might even conceivably be able to do things to other celestial bodies, including the Sun.

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    All of these things were in open discussion in the alternative research community back then and continue to be areas of concern for ionospheric heaters since that time, with the lamestream propatainment media and scientismist saying that all that was pure nonsense and that the facility – HAARP was the only one back then – was for pure science, even though it was sponsored by the US Air Force. Today, however, everyone who is anyone on the geopolitcal playing field has some version of HAARP; Europe has its EISCAT, with Germany being the biggest stakeholder in that facility (think CERN folks), followed by France, Britain, Italy; China has its own version, as does Japan, Russia, India, Brazil… the usual culprits and suspects. If you’re a big and powerful nation, you have one. If not, you don’t. And that should tell us something. And if you’re into the subject, there are plenty of “smaller” ones dotted all over the planet.

    So what exactly is HAARP or an ionospheric heater? Simply put, HAARP is a large facility in Gakona, Alaska (northeast of Anchorage about half way between that city and Tok Junction) with a field of phased array radio antennae. A phased array of antennae broadcast a radio signal from each antenna in the array, but the signals coming from each are slightly out of phase with each other, and this feature allows the signal to be shaped and directed via the interference pattern that emerges when the signals mix in the atmosphere. This allows the broadcast power of HAARP – some have estimated it to be about a gigawatt – to be focused or concentrated in a specific region of the ionosphere. As such, the ionopshere can actually be lifted – creating areas of low pressure – and those areas can be moved around as the signal itself moves. In other words, one can loosely steer weather systems as well as affect their intensity. And given the magnetic coupling between this planet and the Sun, some people – myself among them – have theorized that such heaters might be capable of affecting the Sun, or other nearby planets.

    (For a review of the theories, see HAARP, A Weapon Of Mass Destruction)

    “All that is Pure Nonsense!” we were all reassured by the scientismists.

    Well, no, not nonsense at all, according to this article from the University of Alaska at Fairbanks, which is now ostensibly in charge of HAARP:

    HAARP to begin largest set of experiments at its new observatory

    The article clearly now confirms some intriguing interplanetary experiments are going to be undertaken with the facility:

    Bouncing a signal off the moon.

    Learning more about a mysterious polar light.

    Sending a beam to Jupiter.

    Those are just some of the 13 experiments for a packed 10 days of science beginning Wednesday at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The University of Alaska Fairbanks operates the facility located near Gakona.

    The number of experiments is the highest so far under a five-year, $9.3 million grant awarded last year by the National Science Foundation to establish the Subauroral Geophysical Observatory at HAARP. The observatory’s purpose is the exploration of Earth’s upper atmosphere and geospace environment.

    “The October research campaign is our largest and most diverse to date, with researchers and citizen scientists collaborating from across the globe,” said Jessica Matthews, HAARP’s program manager.

    And…oh, look, there’s all sorts defense people involved:

    The 10 days of operation includes researchers and others from UAF; NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory…

    (Nothing suspicious and no funky monkey business has ever occurred at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory;  all that stuff about Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley and doctored Mars pictures is just internet conspiracy mongering hysteria.)

    … in Southern California; Naval Research Laboratory; Cornell University; University of California, Berkeley; Canada Council for the Arts; John Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Virginia Tech; Los Alamos National Lab; and Aerospace Corp. (Emphasis added)

    Naval Research Laboratory?  Los Alamos??? Why would they be involved? Oh… the article tells us… this is all about asteroid defense:

    Among the experiments is the Moon Bounce, a joint operation of the JPL, Owens Valley Radio Observatory in California and the University of New Mexico Long Wavelength Array.

    The purpose is to test the coordination of the three facilities for the eventual study of near-Earth asteroids, especially those that can be a hazard to Earth. Knowing an asteroid’s composition can influence the type of defense to be used.

    The experiment consists of transmitting a signal from HAARP to the moon and receiving the reflected signal at the California and New Mexico sites.

    Whew!  We can all relax… they’re just trying to use HAARP to figure out what asteroids are made of so they can be better shunted aside, or mined… and I recall that one of the uses alleged for HAARP, since its broadcast power was so off the charts, was underground tomography.  A disturbing thought occurs that, with that kind of broadcast power, a highly metallic asteroid might be snagged and thrown at something via this means, but I digress, because of course the purposes of the experiments are all perfectly peaceful, including the interplanetary experiment involving Jupiter, and besides, as we’ll find out in a moment, I vastly overstated its radiated broadcast power:

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