Fighting back: Doctors want Federation of State Medical Boards investigated for ties to Big Pharma


    by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

    A New Zealand doctor wants answers after losing his medical license for questioning and speaking out against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

    Dr. Emanuel Garcia believes that not only is his country’s government behind the persecution but also the United States-based Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB). (Related: State medical boards all across the country are threatening doctors who question covid injections.)

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    “We desperately need a real and deep investigation into this private entity that is pulling strings worldwide,” Garcia told The Defender.

    Garcia is board-certified in both psychiatry and neurology by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He was a public health consultant psychiatrist until the end of October 2021 when he resigned from his position at the Hutt Valley District Health Board after he was told he needed to get “vaccinated” for the Fauci Flu.

    At the same time, Garcia’s medical license came up for renewal with the Medical Council of New Zealand. He reapplied to keep it, but was told that the council had “resolved” to suspend him from practicing medicine for rejecting the covid jabs.

    “Dr. Garcia’s conduct raises one or more questions about the appropriateness of his conduct or the safety of his practice,” the FSMB said.

    Doctors are no longer allowed to freely practice honest medicine

    Garcia believes that the chief psychiatrist at his hospital reported him to the medical council “because I made these videos wherein I spoke about natural immunity, the early treatment, (and) how ridiculous it was to try to eliminate a respiratory environment.”

    The council ultimately found fault with Garcia for refusing to adhere to its May 6, 2021, guidance statement, “COVID-19 Vaccine and Your Professional Responsibility,” which declares Fauci Flu shots to be the cure for Chinese Germs.

    Dr. Curtis Walker, the council chair, later announced that there is no place within the practice of medicine for “anti-vaccine messages.”

    Another “violation” Garcia committed was sending an open letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern entitled, “Another Disastrous National Lockdown.” He also routinely posted other videos on YouTube and elsewhere about the Chinese Virus.

    In Garcia’s view, nothing he did was all that “revolutionary.” All he did, he says, was point out “basic things” to the public as he witnessed the unfolding of the scamdemic.

    Instead of fighting back against his suspension, Garcia decided to just quit because he was “sick of their duplicity” and “wanted out” already.

    “My lawyers were advising me to fight and to sign a so-called ‘voluntary undertaking’ which would have muzzled me,” he further told The Defender.

    Had he signed the voluntary undertaking, Garcia would have essentially muzzled himself, which he is not willing to do. To agree to its terms is to agree to “play by their rules,” which is a no-go.

    “I refused,” he says. “I gave a lot of talks at parliament during the protests here in New Zealand, and I spoke freely – unfettered.”

    By quitting and maintaining his freedom of speech, Garcia can “fully disengage” from the council and all its fascism through the use of common law, or equity law.

    “According to the rules and principles of equity, I exercised my equitable right to annul, abrogate and cancel my registration with the Medical Council of New Zealand,” Garcia said.

    Through this, he further learned about the council’s connection with the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA), the international arm of the FSMB.

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