Fed Watch: When They Call For the Bailiff You Know You’re Winning


    by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

    In the face of the Fed’s intransigent hawkishness we are now on the verge of exposing the worst lies of two generations of people in power.  I’ve maintained for more than a year now that the global oligarchy known here as The Davos Crowd thought they’d run the table on the US and the UK with COVID-19.

    The various bailout packages, Pelosi’s CARES Act and pending legislation — Build Back Better, etc. — were supposed to destroy the fiscal position of the US once and for all. These were political blackmail to force the Fed not to raise rates when it clearly needed to.

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    That Pelosi et.al. were only able to pass neutered versions of these bills is a sign that powerful forces behind the scenes are not down with this plan.

    Now, in light of the near-complete coup attempt against UK Prime Minister Liz Truss (more on that later this week) we are looking at big power plays to decide whether Davos will retain control over Western policy. Truss’ difficulties point to Davos having a few markers to call in here.

    But, I want to go back to a couple of weeks ago and also talk about Credit Suisse. At the same time there was a coordinated effort to stop Truss implementing a very non-Davos fiscal program. There was a coordinated whisper campaign to start a bank run on Credit Suisse.

    Clearly this attack failed, but it’s equally clear Davos activated the next level of their assault on any institution not aligned with them.

    Is is any wonder that the two big European financial centers outside of the EU came under coordinated attack, Economic Hitman style, in the days following Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral and the coronation of Globalist Charles III as King?

    After that, and subsequent statements by FOMC Chair “Baller” Jerome Powell, Davos had to bring in the UN begmanding (begging masquerading as demanding [H/T Joachin Flores for that one]) all central banks stop raising rates to avoid a global recession.

    This was promoted all across the Davos-controlled media space.  Even Rupert Murdoch’s War Street Journal got in on the action to sway GOPer’s a month out from the mid-terms. And I asked the big question last week, “Can the Fed Afford to Pivot,” with the US $31 trillion in debt?

    The answer from the Fed has been a consistent, no.

    And that means Davos is in serious trouble. As I’ve tirelessly pointed out, the Fed controls global dollar liquidity in a way they haven’t in decades. And that is why the screams of pain from all the usual suspects are so loud.

    That said, Davos continues to execute a script they have no way to augment if they want to achieve their stated goals. Taking out the UK was the right move. But, is it a move that puts them on the path to winning or just an attack of opportunity in a series of rearguard actions?

    The Bailiff Moment

    Bullies always know when they are caught.  Bullies are also generally the worst form of liars, ones who shout down opposition rather than engage in conversation.

    In interrogations the goal is always to get the liar to trap himself and leave him calling for relief. This is why you should never talk to cops without a lawyer, FYI.

    They are easy to trap because the lies are so transparent.  All it takes is the slightest application of the Socratic Method — using one’s own argument to find flaws in it through counter-example — and you can get them “calling for the bailiff” in a matter of minutes.

    The title of this post is my best remembrance of the title I first saw this video posted under at Lewrockwell.com back in 2009. I know this is 7+ minutes of having to watch Nancy Pelosi, but trust me, it’s worth it.

    This is the only video of Nasty Nancy I can stomach to watch, because Jan Helfeld crushes her on minimum wage in less than 3 minutes.  The squirm is almost like music.  It’s a masterclass in evasion, deception and bullying.  It lays bare the malignancy of her narcissism.

    It is a real, tangible benefit to humanity revealing this horrific human being.  Notice how when Pelosi really understands what’s happened she resorts to multiple threats, “You made a mistake!” she repeats glaring at him.

    She became his enemy in that moment.

    If you despise Pelosi as much as I do this is a treat for new readers, a thank you for joining us I’ve dredged up from my memory and the bowls of the YouTube algorithm.

    I brought this out to show you how easy it is to expose the duplicity and fragility of the narratives surrounding our political and financial reality.

    The Reflections of Vampires

    It was this interview which helped crystallize my filter I use to view these false narratives.  It’s why it was so easy for me to see the Fed’s raising the RRP rate by 0.05% above the Fed Funds Rate at last year’s June FOMC meeting as a watershed moment.

    It was no different than Helfeld showing Pelosi that her intern argument was nonsense.  That move exposed the weak US dollar which had been created during the Trump administration as a supremely false move in historical context.

    Powell raises RRP by 0.05% and the whole world freaks out.  The euro collapses, gold’s nascent rally is snuffed out and US bond yields begin rising, forcing euro-bond rates out of the negative-yielding basement.

    Read More @ TomLuongo.me