Control Cost of Living by Eating Bugs


    from Moonbattery:

    In case the Stacey Abrams plan to cure inflation by killing your children doesn’t pan out, moonbats have another plan — eat insects:

    Budget supermarket Aldi is considering selling edible insect recipe kits as the cost of living crisis hits families. …

    Aldi is weighing up whether to stock products by Yum Bug, which make the insect recipe kits.

    Yum Bug founders Aaron Thomas and Leo Taylor, both 28, are competing against other start-ups to get their product on the supermarket’s shelves.

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    Proclaims Thomas,

    “We’re on a mission to change perceptions of insects as food… We want to take bug consumption mainstream..”

    Fortuitously, this is in step with the Liberal World Order’s agenda. The idea is not so much to provide food that people can still afford despite their money having been rendered increasing worthless through inflation, as to save the planet from the imaginary climate menace. See the World Economic Forum for details.

    On tips from Steve T and Franco.

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