America Rejects Hollywood’s First Mainstream Gay Romantic Comedy ‘Bros’, Frustrated Star Billy Eichner Blames Box Office Bomb On Homophobia


    by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

    Promoted as the first gay romantic comedy from a major studio, ‘Bros’ sold only $4.8 million in tickets, a huge box office bomb as America rejects this movie

    We live in strange times for sure. The radical Sodomite Left says that if you are a straight man that refuses to date a transgender ‘woman’, it’s only because you hate them, and not because they’re not really a woman. They say that if you don’t support the burning and looting of minority and woman run businesses, then you hate Black Lives Matter and black people. Really? Billed as America’s first gay romantic comedy, ‘Bros’ features lots of hairy men kissing each other as well as a four-man orgy, and almost no one wanted to see that. Can you blame them?

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” Romans 1:27 (KJB)

    I don’t hate gay people, I have spent most of my life with them, going to a college that was 95% homosexual, FIT in New York, and having a gay brother who was my best friend, right up to the moment he died from taking Anthony Fauci’s AZT poison. I think any honest person will tell you that most gay people are funny, charming and quite endearing. But that’s not the point, is it? If the Bible is true, and it most certainly is, then we need to get our affections in line with what pleases God. One of the reasons why I struggled so long with alcohol is that I enjoyed it too much, even when it began to absolutely ruin my life. I am a Bible believing Baptist pastor, preacher and teacher, I stand in the old paths with the old Book, and singing the songs of Zion. I also pray the Lord allows me to continue to reach the precious lost souls of the LGBTQIA+ Movement with the gospel of the grace of God. Jesus paid for their sins on the cross, too, why don’t you go tell them that?

    Gay romantic comedy ‘Bros’ arrived in fourth place at the box office

    FROM THE NY TIMES: There is no easy way to say it: When the reviews are this sensational, the marketing support is this substantive and the theatrical footprint is this wide — and ticket sales are nonetheless this low — it suggests outright marketplace rejection.

    ‘Bros’, the first gay romantic comedy from a major studio, arrived to an estimated $4.8 million in ticket sales in the United States and Canada, about 40 percent less than the low end of prerelease analyst expectations.

    Universal Pictures booked “Bros” onto 3,350 screens and spent an estimated $30 million to $40 million to promote it. “Bros,” starring Luke Macfarlane and Billy Eichner, who also co-wrote the script, cost roughly $22 million to make. It received mostly positive reviews.

    Yet it was a distant fourth at the weekend box office. “We’ll see where we go from here,” Jim Orr, Universal’s president of domestic distribution, said by phone on Sunday. “We’re incredibly proud of the film, and I really believe there is going to be great word of mouth.”

    Movies struggle to find a theatrical audience all the time. But the R-rated “Bros” was heavily promoted as historic — a first for mass-market, studio-driven cinema because it focuses on love and sex between two men. It featured an all-L.G.B.T.Q. principal cast. There is the possibility that studios, in their risk-averse way, will now point to the disappointing results for “Bros” as justification for passing on other theatrical films with L.G.B.T.Q. relationships in the forefront.

    What went wrong in this case? In going after the widest audience possible, “Bros” may have fallen into a marketplace nether world — too straight for gay audiences, and too gay for straight ones, some analysts posited. Several longtime film distribution executives noted that Eichner can be polarizing as a comedic personality and his star power, at least on movie theater marquees, is minimal. And, of course, homophobia cannot be ruled out.

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