YouTube May Have Yanked New Italian PM’s Viral Speech, but This One’s Just as Good


    by Angela Thorne, PJ Media:

    Italy’s newly elected Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is a traditional, patriotic conservative — what “President Biden” and the Globalists refer to as a far-right extremist fascist. She’s also a particularly effective speaker with a gift for concisely laying out what conservatives the world over stand for and what we’re up against. So naturally, when clips from a 2019 speech Meloni gave at the World Congress of Families began to go viral after she won her election, YouTube discovered reasons why they suddenly needed to boot it off their platform. Breitbart reported on Wednesday:

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    Google-owned YouTube removed the video of a 2019 speech from incoming Prime Minister of Italy Giorgia Meloni which had been going viral across numerous platforms. The internet giant claims the video “breached” its community guidelines, a transgession that apparently took several years and a successful election for it to notice.

    One of the surviving clips on Twitter gives a sample of Meloni’s powerful speech — and shows why Globalists despise and fear her message:

    Luckily, Meloni fans and the Meloni-curious can enjoy another fiery stemwinder from the Italian leader on the CPAC website. Meloni traveled to the United States to speak at the annual conservative conference in 2019 and again in 2022.

    In February 2022, Meloni kicked off her CPAC speech with a discussion of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which had just begun. She said she came to CPAC because it was important to stand together with another nation — the United States — in support of freedom.

    “We are on the side of international law. We are on the side of freedom. And indeed, we are on the side of, of a proud nation that is teaching the world what it means to fight for freedom,” proclaimed Meloni. She declared that “without the outrageous withdrawal of troops from Kabul yesterday, we would have never seen the tragic siege of Kyiv today. And certainly,” she added, “no one would be preparing to see Taiwan occupied tomorrow.”

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