While One Democrat-Run City After Another Falls Like Dominoes Into Crisis, Transformed Into Crime Ridden Cesspools, They’ll Become Unlivable Wastelands Once The First Nuke Goes Off


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    – The Breakdown Of Society Already Being Seen In Democrat-Run Cities All Across America

    While it’s been mentioned many times that only 9 meals separate a civilized society from complete and total lawlessness and anarchy, that ‘jump‘ from ‘civilized‘ to ‘lawlessness‘ clearly won’t happen ‘overnight‘ unless an obvious TEOTWAWKI moment occurs, such as a nuclear strike, and will instead ‘play out‘ over a period of time, arguably much as we’re witnessing across America now.

    Illustrated perfectly in a series of three different stories being featured right now by the Daily Mail, the first story titled “‘The birthplace of liberty is a cesspool’: Crime wave sweeps ‘lawless’ Philadelphia with more than 750 people shot dead since Memorial Day and rampant smash-and-grabs wrecking businesses” had a video within it from one Philly store showing an endless stream of hoodlums streaming in, grabbing whatever they wanted, before streaming out as quickly as they entered.

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    Just the latest story showing one Democrat-run city after another across America falling apart, the 2nd story titled “‘Our city needs major help’: NYC woman pummeled in brutal subway attack blasts Eric Adams for ‘doing nothing’ and traveling to Puerto Rico amid skyrocketing crime in his city” perfectly showed the attitudes of those allowing their cities to fall apart; to get the hell out of dodge and let them crash.

    And with that 3rd story over at the Daily Mail showing this crime wave happening in Joe Biden’s home state as well in this story titled “Shocking moment brazen jewelry store burglar pistol whips and stomps elderly Asian Delaware shopkeeper – leaving him bleeding and unconscious,” all of these stories give us more reasons to make sure we’re fully prepared for anything and everything ahead, especially with calls from the radical left for violence upon Conservatives as Susan Duclos had warned in this September 27th ANP story.

    With the top-voted comment on that 1st D.M. story bluntly pointing out one of the reasons why this is happening now with their comment “Criminals are an important voting block for Democrats,” it’s definitely NOT just a coincidence this is all happening at a time when leftist prosecutors have quite literally ‘gone soft on crime’ while leftist politicians waged war upon the police. As pointed out by another top-voted comment on that story.:

    Defund the police and letting criminals out on no bail has consequences for society. When will people stop voting for Democrats?

    Yet with Democrats more than happy to ‘steal elections,’ showing us that even if Americans stopped voting ‘D‘ en masse, they’d still walk away with cities, states and the entire country as shown by the 2020 fiasco, we’re clearly coming upon a time when approaching ‘mad max scenarios’ are ‘the rule‘ instead of ‘the exception,‘ with one Democrat-run city after another being plunged into crisis all across America as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story from Infowars.

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