When Champions of Covid Tyranny Admit They Were WRONG, What Should We Do?


    by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

    For well over two years now, people across the world have been forced by their governments and “experts” to muzzle their faces with cloth masks, take shots that didn’t stop them from catching, spreading, or dying from COVID-19, and adhere to a laundry list of utterly stupid guidelines like wearing a mask into a restaurant only to take it off at the table.

    Despite long-established evidence that cloth masks do not stop airborne viral transmission, admission by the tyrants that the vaccines aren’t 100% effective, and most of their guidelines being proven futile, from coast to coast, not a single one of these tyrants has admitted they were wrong.

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    Meet mainstream media’s lead covid authoritarian since 2020, CNN’s Dr. Leana Wen, who was a mouthpiece for tyranny during this entire mess.

    In early 2021, Wen went so far as to compare American citizens to donkeys who need to be led around by a “carrot” on a stick in order to coerce them to take the vaccines — which at the time were being touted as 100% effective and our way out of the pandemic.

    “We have a very a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status,” she said at the time. “Otherwise, if everything is reopened, what’s the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivize people to get the vaccine?” she asked.

    She then called on the CDC and Biden to “come out a lot bolder” and tell people that “if you’re vaccinated, you can do all these things…. Otherwise, people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway.”

    Then in late 2021, something began to shift and Wen took a step down a path to redemption when she admitted that “Cloth masks are little more than facial decorations. There’s no place for them in light of Omicron.” In early 2022, she continued down this path saying:

    The responsibility should shift from a government mandate imposed from the state or the local district of the school … it should shift to an individual responsibility by the family, who can still decide that their child can wear a mask if needed.”

    For Wen to make this concession was no small feat as she had vehemently pushed the establishment’s narrative for over a year, resulting in grave consequences.

    But that was just the beginning. Fast forward to later in 2022, and Wen would make a telling admission that the policies — for which she advocated — had harmed her own children.

    Before the following concession, Wen previously stated that children returning to school need to be forced to wear industrial grade face masks and should be subjected to weekly COVID tests until they are fully vaccinated.

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