The Coming Food Crisis… These Historical Events Show You What To Expect


    by Chris Makintosh, International Man:

    Let’s take a look, because what’s happening today on the food front has been tried before.

    From the 1930’s through the 1940’s Stalin’s Soviet Union had a “5-year Industrialization Plan” – these central planners never learn. This genius plan involved “rapid industrialization,” together with “socialized farming” and, of course, the elimination of private enterprise and property ownership.

    The results? Grumpy people. A LOT of them. What brought about so many grumpy folks was this. Grain exports collapsed, economic output collapsed and more than 30 million starved to death between 1932 and 1947.

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    Next up, central planner numero deux.

    Chairman Mao and the “Great Leap Forward.”

    Like Stalin, Mao implemented a “5-year Industrialization Plan” from 1958 to 1962.

    This “plan” involved rapid industrialization, socialized farming, and the elimination of private enterprise. Same ingredients.

    The results?

    Same results. Grumpy people. Grain exports plummeted, economic output collapsed, and this particular psychopath managed to preside over the starvation and death of 45 million people between 1958 and 1962.

    The same ingredients, the same recipe, the same outcome.

    We tend to look at these events and think to ourselves, “Dumb muppets.”

    But here we are, and we’re doing exactly the same stupid mistakes again. I say “we” but of course mean the global elites, not us per se.

    You may ask yourself. How is this done? How is it that collectively tens or hundreds of millions of people get led down this path of absolute horror?

    The answer lies in the intensive use of propaganda, the unbridled and aggressive censorship of and canceling of anyone brave enough to break from the narrative.

    Additionally, an enemy is always created. Every movement requires a devil. Something or someone that poses a threat. It’s the same in politics. Typically, voters don’t vote for someone as much as they vote against someone. Hate is easily weaponized while love is impossible to weaponise. So you need a devil, either a people or a threat of some sorts that galvanizes the justification for drastic action to be taken.

    Are you seeing the parallels?

    Today we have multiple angles being taken.

    One, of course, has been the plandemic. A threat to humanity so great that drastic action, we were told, “MUST be taken.” A virus — unseen, undetected, but out there. One where only the central planners have the “science” available to dictate to us peons what it all means and, even better, what to do about it.

    What better enemy than an invisible one?

    But we have more than one invisible enemy. We now have two neatly crafted by the detritus that is our “elites.” COVID was the first and “climate change” is now the second.

    “If you know who controls you see who you may not criticize.” – Tacitus

    Under the guise of saving Gaia, reducing inequality, promoting “fairness” and implementing “social justice,” the ESG brand stands strong as a championing symbol to the woken gods.

    The above here is propaganda taken from Bloomberg, but you’ll find it littering the legacy media.

    Slowly but surely justifying Marxism.

    Sri Lanka is a great example.

    Based on an ESG agenda promoted by the sociopaths at the World Economic Forum and the UN, and further financed by the IMF, Sri-Lanka catapulted itself headlong into central planning of their agriculture. The collapse in productivity was immediate. Down 45%, which meant their balance of trade blew out, leaving them short of dollars, which are necessary to import energy, which itself is required for both food production and economic activity. This created a negative feedback loop which has now collapsed the entire economy, resulting in food shortages and the inevitable unrest that’s associated with starving people.

    Sri Lanka, by the way, has now an almost perfect ESG score at 98.1. The correlation between a high ESG score and human suffering is near perfect.

    But Sri Lanka is not alone.

    The Netherlands is trying the same failed initiatives by “capping” nitrogen levels.

    These idiots tell us they want to save the planet. Surely, that includes the plants. I mean, any self-respecting tree hugger knows that firstly, you need dreadlocks and secondly, you save the plants. Which is weird because plants love nitrogen.

    Then there is England, who are paying the farmers to rewild their farmland.

    And of course dear Canada. Not to be outdone by the genocidal actions elsewhere, the previously liveable country of Canada is following similar paths. Folks are definitely not going to be able to afford their gender reassignment surgery after trying to feed themselves. So there are some positives, I guess.

    The list, of course, goes on. New Zealand, Australia — the guys at the World Economic Forum have their tentacles deep all over.

    Editor’s Note: Disturbing economic, political, and social trends are already in motion and now accelerating at breathtaking speed. Most troubling of all, they cannot be stopped.

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