Sorry Liberals, But The Nazis Were Progressive Leftists


    by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

    You’ve probably known someone in your life who was simply full of it, right? A friend of a friend or acquaintance who lied constantly, burning a lot of calories trying to convince people to believe people of something that simply wasn’t so. That is how Democrats are on almost every issue, but there’s one in particular they desperately need to fool people on not only so they can use it as a weapon, but also so they can hide the horrors their political philosophy have committed against the people unfortunate enough to live under their absolute reign.

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    The real “big lie” is the creator of the concept of a big lie was somehow “right-wing.” The simple truth is every single despotic totalitarian is a left-winger. Under the umbrella of “progressive” lives socialism, communism and fascism. But to hide the reality of what their ideological brethren have committed, Democrats lie and say monsters like Mao, Stalin and Hitler were of the right. This is impossible.

    There’s a very simple way to think about this: think of political philosophy as a line with a right and left direction. One side wants a government that does more, that grows in size and scope, and the other wants one with a shrinking, smaller government doing less. Where do all of those “isms” fall on that spectrum? They all feature massive government taxing the hell out of everyone, mandating behavior and regulating lives.

    Yet, in an attempt to hide the ultimate nature of their agenda, Democrats and the media would have you believe that, as you down the right side of the political spectrum and government is shrinking, at a certain point government explodes into something gigantic with absolute control over everyone. The conservative belief in individual rights disappears and becomes about collectivism, then it shrinks again as the line slides off to eventual anarchy, which is the absence of government.

    How does that work? There is no rational way to ascribe fascism to the right other than deflection. The Nazis were the National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party, it’s right there in their name. Look up Hitler implemented from a policy perspective and you’ll find a lot of socialism. He was very much a supporter of collectivism, he simply excluded people he hated or needed as scapegoats. Everything else was socialism.

    Communism, socialism and fascism differ only slightly, mostly in methods. They fought in the early 20th century not because they were so different, they fought because each wanted to be THE leading philosophy of the progressive movement. They all embraced eugenics – the idea that “undesirable people” should be bred out of existence, to put it in the most basic terms. Democrats in this country did, Nazis in Germany did. Progressives only distanced themselves from fascism and eugenics when World War II happened and it would have hurt them electorally to be associated with fascists. But if you look you can find many prominent progressive politicians saying nice things about fascists, like FDR praising Benito Mussolini.

    Quotes like those aren’t hard to find; the truth never is. It’s getting people to realize it after having been lied to their whole lives that’s the hard part. How do you convince someone that they’ve been indoctrinated, brainwasher really, into believing a lie? It’s not easy.

    The continues to this day. The newswire service UPI ran a headline this week, “Giorgia Meloni set to become Italy’s first far-right leader since Mussolini.” Mussolini, the father of fascism, was of the left. A true “far-right leader” would be someone who embraces individualism. Facts don’t matter, the agenda does.

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