by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:
K-12 school districts are now establishing gender-affirming closets, per a report by the Daily Caller. This move is ostensibly aimed at creating a “safer and more inclusive” environment in K-12 schools.
These closets will give students access to chest binders, stand-to-pee devices, and makeup that will assist students in changing their gender identity.
Children’s hospitals, libraries, and LGBTQ organizations are teaming up with school districts to allocate funds and resources towards building gender-affirming closets in these facilities. The materials students receive help them complete the gender transitioning process by aping the other sex.
Back in August, The Driftwood Public Library in Lincoln City, Oregon, celebrated a “Gender-Affirming Closet Donation Kickoff” to receive donations from the community for the gender-affirming closet that was being built at the local high school. The library was calling for donations of tucking tape and chest binders on top of bras and boxers.
“No Left Turn in Education is concerned by the trend of public schools across the nation offering gender-affirming closets for students that include products such as chest binders for girls and tucking tape for boys,” No Left Turn In Education Chief Communications Director Yael Levin said to the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Not only does this usurp parents’ rights, but it is practicing mental health gender-affirming medical care without staff being licensed mental health professionals and without parental knowledge or consent.”
According to the Daily Caller report, “tucking tape is used to push ‘breast tissue flat’ in order to create ‘chest masculinization’ over time, according to the website for TransTape, a company that sells tape for gender transitioning.” There are even online tutorials for the different ways students can use the tape to bind the chest and “give the appearance of pectoral muscles.”
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