Oh, Time To Buy? Uh…. No


    by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

    The rally yesterday was triggered by a belief that the Bank of England was “restarting” QE while still raising rates.  The money flow into US assets (and out of there) was fast and furious, followed closely by a decent amount of flow out of the Euro and (somewhat less) Yen as well.

    Don’t bet on Pavlov’s dog actually getting the steak.

    Indeed if you got trapped in this downtrend you might think of it as a short-term reprieve that may go on for a little while.

    But not for long.

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    Reality is that the stupidity of printing credit up to cover all ills is global in the Western World and also extends to China.  The unwind of that, which has to happen or we get a stagflationary recession far worse than the late 1970s, also has to happen.

    It won’t happen in a straight line and 20+ years of “training” people in the markets that when the first sneeze occurs central banks will be there to hand you a hanky is going to take quite some time to break.

    But break it shall, and the sooner you recognize that the less you will lose.

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