It’s gonna be a BLOODBATH on Election Day unless……..


    from State Of The Nation:

    There are basically three distinctly different scenarios shaping up for Election Day 2022, each of which will have HUGE repercussions for the continuity of the American Republic.

    First, if the midterm elections actually take place, they will only occur in the midst of so much chaos, confusion and conflict that the Democrat Party really believes they will be successful at stealing every election in sight. In other words, only in the fog of war (that’s why they’re called “campaigns’), and in a national environment of overwhelming distraction and turmoil, will the Democrats be confident of successfully stealing the sufficient number of elections necessary to win majorities in both the U.S. Senate and House. Of course, this scenario implies a series of stunning October Surprises that will be as shocking as they are disorienting, wreaking havoc in all the ways required to provide LOTs of cover for massive vote fraud nationwide—even more than 2020 if you can believe that.

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    The second scenario is one where a very desperate Joe Biden, who really hates that the whole world knows he’s a stone-cold election thief, will officially declare the MAGA Movement a terrorist threat to the United States, thereby falsely justifying a cancellation of elections across the country. In so doing, he may attempt to establish a new single ruling party form of governance where the communist-run Democrat Party runs everything. Given many of Biden’s recent pronouncements, it’s now clear that the POTUS Pretender will say and do ANYTHING his masters tell him to. There is simply no conscience remaining whatsoever and a complete lack of morality, Biden has been so completely taken over by dark forces. Given the graphic exposure of his complicity with son Hunter Biden’s worldwide crime sprees, Biden’s handlers can easily manipulate him into perpetrating any evil.

    Thirdly, especially in the face of the two preceding alternatives, is the increasingly likely scenario where a global black swan (or two or three) comes out of nowhere to everyone’s astonishment and consternation. This could take the form of a spontaneous collapse (not the long-planned controlled demolition by the New World Order globalist cabal) of the Global Economic & Financial System. It could also appear as a grey swan and manifest as a highly kinetic World War III centered around the Ukraine drawing in all the major military powers on the planet. (Such a hot phase of WW3 could also easily evolve into a devastating exchange of nuclear weapons across the planet.) Then there is the possibility of a very real and deadly Fall pandemic (not a Plandemic) breaking out that disproportionately affects the USA due to the aggressive implementation of the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda. Other grey swans include a false flag EMP attack carried out by the US government and blamed on Russia or China as a classic “wag the dog” maneuver. Of course there are many other black swan and grey swan events hovering on the horizon, both manmade and the result of divine intervention, any of which could postpone Election Day giving Team Biden more time to execute either a covert or in-your-face takeover of the American Republic.

    KEY KEY POINT: Democrat leaders, politicians, officials, as well as liberal corporate officers and boards, all colluded to insanely carry out the greatest governmental and public health cataclysm in American history.  Conspiring closely with woke elements and organizations throughout civil society, these hardcore Covid fearmongers shut down, locked down and closed down whole cities, counties and communities everywhere.  The average citizen was not only medically trampled on and politically traumatized and economically terrorized, they were relentlessly tyrannized by Democrat leadership across the board.  The citizenry will never forget it; and the more the Covid killshots and clotshots do their damage, the Democrats will be rightly blamed for the unparalleled carnage and deliberate destruction of the American Republic.


    In any case, it must be correctly understood why the Democrats are more desperate and frantic, dangerous and frenzied as they have ever been in U.S. electoral history.

    It’s now a political fact of life, ever since the Democrat Party has shown its true communist colors, that many traditional and old-fashioned Democrats are absolutely horrified at what has happened to their party during the Trump era.

    True, these Reagan Democrats may not like Donald Trump, but they really detest what they have seen from the likes of Biden and Harris, Clinton and Clinton, Pelosi and Schumer, Schiff and Swalwell, Garland and Mayorkas, Blinken and Austin, Buttigieg and Becerra, as well as Ocasio-Cortez and her squad of feminazis.

    Now those countless Democrats, who are silently defecting by the millions, may not officially leave the Democrat Party, but they will never vote Democrat again. They may not vote Republican either, although there are many DEMs who can’t wait to vote for Ron DeSantis in Florida … … … as well as for many other patriotic Republicans who did not lock them down and/or mandate ‘vaccines’ during the Covid era.

    The DNC knows all of this quite well, which is why the Mainstream Media is so busy gaslighting the electorate — every single day — with utterly phony polls falsely showing Democrat candidates leading in one fake poll after another. The DNC knows that, without any serious cheating and fraud and stealing in November, it’s going to be an historic BLOODBATH for them.

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