Is Anyone Really Shocked That England’s New King Charles III Is a Direct Blood Relation To Vlad The Impaler Who Inspired The ‘Dracula’ Legend?


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

The Royal Family has links to several countries across Europe, including Romania, and it turns out that King Charles III is the descendant of the real-life Dracula, Vlad the Impaler, and owns property in Transylvania.

A few weeks ago, we did a rather revealing Podcast on the new monarch of the British isles, King Charles III, rightly connecting him with the Climate Change movement being used to prepare the stage for the coming Antichrist. Charles called for a “vast military style campaign” that would cost “trillions of dollars”, and all given to an unnamed man who would control it all. Today we discover that King Charles III is a direct blood relation to Vlad the Impaler of ‘Dracula’ legend, and that at his coronation he will eat a parasitical fish known as a Lamprey that attacks its enemies to eat its skin and drink its blood. Long live the King!


In thirteen years at NTEB, we have never had to create a special folder for images of the queen, long-serving though she might have been, she just never did much of anything to get herself on our end times radar. Charles is barely king for a week, and already he has his own images folder, a 2-hour Podcast, and multiple articles devoted to chronicling his words and deeds. Something tells me this one is a move and a shaker as far as prophecy is concerned. Oh yeah, man, he’s gonna go.

King Charles III is a descendant and blood relation of Dracula and owns properties in Transylvania

FROM CORNWALL LIVE: Formerly known as Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Charles III actually owns several properties in Transylvania, is the heir to Vlad the Impaler’s bloodline. The ruthless prince, also known as Vlad Tepes and Vlad III Dracula, is known for his cruelty towards his enemies and impaling them on stakes. He lived in the 15th century and is said to have inspired Bram Stoker for his famous Count Dracula.

In 1462, following a battle, Vlad left a field filled with thousands of impaled victims. More than 530 years later, in 1998, King Charles found out about his links to the Romanian ruler. He is, in fact, his great-grandson 16 times removed, through the consort of George V, Queen Mary, Romania Tour Store reports. A genealogical tree in The British Chronicles written by David Hughes supports this claim.

 The website adds: “It’s also no secret that Prince Charles is very fond of Romania, especially of the Transylvania region. It was after his first visit to Transylvania in 1998 that he found out about his connection to Vlad the Impaler, a connection that he is apparently very proud of.

“Through the Prince of Wales Foundation, Prince Charles has done plenty of charity work in Transylvania, especially in the fields of sustainable development, conservation, and farming systems. Because of his strong involvement in the region, the mayor of the city of Alba Iulia has proposed to grant Prince Charles the title of Prince of Transylvania as recognition for being a prominent ambassador of the Transylvania region all over the world.”

A great-great grandmother of King Charles’ late mother Queen Elizabeth II, Hungarian Countess Klaudia Rhedey, was also born and raised in Transylvania in the 19th century. King Charles now owns several properties in the Romanian region – in Viscri, in the Zalanului Valley, in Malancrav and in Breb. These villages have now become popular with tourists. Viscri is known for its pastel-coloured houses and its UNESCO World Heritage fortified church. It is said that Zalán Valley used to belong to one of Charles’ ancestors.

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