BLACK MIRROR USA? Political criticism of Biden Regime now labeled “domestic terrorism” and punishable with indefinite prison time, just like in Communist China


    by S.D. Wells, Natural News:

    Are you a political dissident? In China, if you criticize the government on social media, you can find yourself locked up in prison and involuntarily donating your organs for black market trading. In America, if you go anywhere near the Capital building in Washington DC to peacefully protest illegal ballot harvesting and the communist Biden Regime, you can find yourself locked up in jail and labeled a “domestic terrorist,” with no trial by jury, possibly ever.

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    Ever seen the series “Black Mirror?” Most people think the episodes are purely fictional, based on some possible future world where technology is used against humans to control their lives, rights and health. In actuality, most of the episodes are based on life as it really exists in Communist China right now, but most Americans are naïve and don’t even know about it, much less believe that the same tyranny is taking place in America right now, to them.

    FBI collecting social media posts that criticize Biden Regime, will all Republicans and Conservatives be jailed like the Jan. 6’ers soon?

    For the tens of millions of Americans who watched fake news from 2016 to 2020 and complained all over social media that the Russians helped Trump cheat and win, no problem. For the tens of millions of Americans who watched Sleepy Joe Biden and his CCP cohorts steal the 2020 election with falsified mail-in ballots and crooked Dominion voting machines, then complained on social media about it all, well, you are being categorized and labeled “domestic terrorists” and enemies of the state, right now.

    Yes, Facebook has been spying on private messages and data of Americans, then reporting it all to the FBI, and it’s all about “anti-authority” sentiments and red-flagging people who ask questions about the 2020 POTUS steal. This is all according to the Department of Justice. How ironic. The “Domestic Terrorist Operational Unit” of the FBI, headquartered in Washington DC, will be investigating without warrants or subpoenas.

    Antifa and BLM always considered peaceful protesters, while all conservatives considered right wing extremists and white supremacists

    The Communist Chinese regime has no sanctity for human life. Criticize the government and how they run things and you find yourself in jail, without trial or any rights whatsoever, indefinitely. In America, the constitution says we have a right to a speedy trial, and a lawyer, and a judge, and a jury, etc., but not if you’re a “terrorist.” Yet, what and who defines a “terrorist?” That is a very gray area and now one the Biden Regime is using against all Americans who question election results, vaccines or even school curriculum.

    Post anything on social media that says you don’t agree with the election results, or the “clot shot” Covid jabs, or the trans-everything perverted school agenda of the Left, and guess what? You are a “domestic terrorist” put on a watch list, or even worse, jailed.

    Many of the protesters from January 6th did nothing violent and have no criminal record whatsoever. They were invited by police and undercover FBI agents to walk into the Capital building, and now they are locked up indefinitely in a DC jail for being “domestic terrorists.”

    Is this now communist China? Imagine if Trump had won and locked up every Antifa and BLM protester from 2016 through 2020, with no right to a trial? Imagine scrubbing Facebook and Twitter for negative comments about Trump during the Russia-collusion scam and the staged impeachment. Surely if you held a severed head that looked like Trump and declared your Trump Derangement Syndrome for all of media to propagate, you would be jailed as a terrorist, right?

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